and your name is?

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new part😳⁉️⁉️ highschool au😳⁉️⁉️

henry stared at the wall, his mine racing a million miles a minute. he shoved his lunch tray away and sighed.

he felt a shadow loom over him for a second, before he saw someone sit down next to him out of the corner of his eye.

henry turned a little, to find the person staring at him. it was a lanky boy, brown hair with a purple streak somewhere, grey eyes. really pretty, too

"uh...hi?" henry waved

the boy waved back with a smile.

"my names henry...henry emily..." henry looked at the other boy.

"that's a lovely name." the brunette stated, getting started on his food. he was british

"uh...and your name is?" henry tapped his fingers on his legs softly

"william afton." the brunette scooted closer to henry, with a smile. henry nodded and smiled back. henry stared into the boys silver eyes. they were beautiful.

"that's a nice name, reminds me of one of my favourite playwrites-"

"william shakespeare. god, i hate shakepeare." william laughs

"wait. what? i've never heard anyone say they hate shakespeare."henry smiles softly

"that's right. i said it. god, i hate shakespeare. i just don't get it! how a mediocre actor, from a measly little town, is suddenly the brightest jewel in englands royal crown!" william laughs again. and god is henry obsessed with that laugh.

"i'm assuming youre really passionate about your hate?"

"like you wouldn't believe. just another stupid brit. he's no edgar allen poe, so why do people like him so much? poes much better." william smiled softly.

"shakespeare was born before edgar." henry added softly.

"yeah well poes way better." william scoffed jokingly.

"amos, you called shakespeare 'just another stupid brit', as if you despise all british people." henry laughed a little

"i hate most of us! most brits are just bloody thick!"

henry blinked for a second

"they're what?"

"stupid. they're very stupid, is what i was saying." william explained

"uh huh" henry laughed.

again, there was quiet. henry and william just say there, not really saying anything. william placed his hand next to henry's, causing henry to blush softly.

'oh come on, emily! you just met this guy!' henry thought to himself.

william started to laugh, causing henry to shoot his head up and stare at the brit.

"what are you laughing at?" henry questioned.

"o-oh nothing. i just thought of something funny my mother told me. it's dumb, don't worry."

"if you say so." henry smiled.


henry was laying on his bed, just staring at the ceiling. why the hell did he already have a crush on this william dude?

there was a knock on his bedroom door and he shot up.

"come in!" he called. the opened, to
reveal william.

"ello" william smiled

"wh- how did- when did you- what?" henry blinked

"i just asked around until i found someone who knew where 'henry emily' lives." william explained, laying next to henry.

"huh." henry chuckled.

the two laid next to eachother, not saying anything. william moved closer to henry, wrapping his arms around the the other. he pulled henry close and smile. henry blushed a little and pet williams hair.

william sat up, and pulled henry up with him. he didn't think, it say anything. he just pressed his lips against henry's without so much as a second thought.

henry didn't complain. he kissed back and wrapped his legs around williams waist.

they pulled away and smiled at eachother

"we need to do that again sometime." henry laughed, his face flushed

"i agree." william smiled, his face equally flushed

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