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college au
henry and will r in a long distance relationship


henry burst out laughing, almost knocking the laptop off his bed. william had made a not so kid friendly joke, catching henry off guard.

"w-what the hell, will?!" henry said between laughs.

"what? did you not like my idea of-"

"my roommate is in the next room!" henry regained his composure.

"good! i want him to hear how much id like to shag you!" william laughed as well.

"actually, it's a girl." henry seemed proud of himself for correcting william

"well then i want her to hear how much id like to shag you." william smiled. for a moment after, there was silence. but it was a comfortable one. it was welcomed.

"i-...i can't wait till the day i can come meet you." henry smiled, not even looking at his laptop.

"neither can i, my dear. but until you have the money to come to england, or i have the money to come to america, it won't happen. sadly." william sighed.


2 months later


"yeah. for thanksgiving this year, i'm going to see my family. like my little sister, my mom, my dad, the whole 9 yards."

"9 what?"

"meters. a yard is basically the same length as a meter." henry laughed.

"ah. well, we've been on call for 7 hours, and you seem tired out of your mind, so good night." william smiled

"good night, will." henry smiled back. the call ended and henry laid down, pulling his covers over himself.

the skype ringtone started playing loudly across henry's room. loud enough to wake the boy. he sat up quickly, turned on his lamp, and put on his glasses. he grabbed his laptop and looked at the caller ID. it was william. he answered and looked at the brit.

"sorry to wake you, dear." william laughed

"we just got off of call an hour ago. what could possibly be so important?" henry sounded angry, but he was smiling. he loved getting to hear williams voice.

"i was just wondering, and sorry if this seems random, what was the state you live in again?" william asked

"uh..utah?" henry laughed

"and the town?" william continued

"what is this? 20 questions? an interrogation?" henry laughed

"just answer the question, babe." william rolled his eyes. he knew henry was weak ro the word "babe", so he overused it.

"fine fine, will. hurricane. hurricane, utah." henry sighed.

"ok! thank you. good night, henry." willaim hung up before henry could respond.

'what the hell, will?' henry thought. he sighed and shut the laptop, sliding it under his bed in the process.


it was thanks giving day, and henry was setting up the table. his mom was baking deserts, his dad cooking the main dishes, and his sister fucking off doing god knows what with his own ex girlfriend from highschool. that was his family, and he was damn proud of it.

the back door opened and henry's sister walked in, along with the aforementioned ex.

"hello, ladies." henry said, not looking up, and continuing to set the table.

"hey, hen." both of them said together. they didn't say anything else, they just went to the living room and talked. the front door opened, and henry expected it to just be another family member. however, when the door shut, he heard quick feet running towards him, and he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. he turned around and was met a teary, silver-eyed brunette. it was william.

"w-will?" henry felt a smile creep onto his face.

"hen..." william smiled back. henry pulled william as close as he could and smiled brightly.

"how did you- i thought you didn't- what?" henry let out a shocked laugh.

"i raised the money." william whispered.

"did you guys know about this?" he looked around at his mom, sister, and ex.

"yeah." his sister laughed.

"he told us he wanted it to be a surprise, so we never told you." his mom explained. henry looked back to william, and just kissed him. william kissed back and smiled into the kiss.

as they separated, they both had huge smiles on their faces.

"i never thought i'd be able to do that..." william placed his hand on his lips. henry's eyes started to water, matching williams's

"and i'm glad we just did." henry smiled softly, quickly hugging william again.

'best thanksgiving ever.' henry thought

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