Chapter 1: Mr. Blue Sky

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I'm back but still don't know wtf I'm doing lmao
This one's for you guys *raises glass*
Read description <3

Skeppy jolted awake.

It was only a text noise; he laid his head back and sighed. I should get up anyway.

"Morning! Today's forecast says it's 'blue skies.'" Bad came out of the bathroom, rubbing his drippy hair with a towel.
He sat down on the bed and smiled at Skeppy.
"Sleepy Muffin, you better get out of here soon."

Skeppy groaned a little and sat up, but it was impossible not to smile back when Bad hit him with his morning-person-sunshine happiness. "Yeah, I know. Thanks for letting me sleep over, Bad-boy-hay-lo." He poked Bad's side with the last four syllables.

Skeppy grinned as Bad laughed and squirmed away. He was super ticklish, a trait Skeppy loved to exploit.

Badboyhalo had been his nickname since back in middle school. Someone trying to bully him graffitied a "portrait" with his name replaced with BadBoy. But Skeppy couldn't let that stand so he got some yellow paint and made a little halo over the horns and devil tail, and added "halo" to the end. The name stuck around, but Bad misunderstood the bullying part and just figured someone nice did the whole thing.

Bad settled back down but kept up his beaming smile. "You don't have to say thank you, Skeppy-" he rolled his eyes- "You know I don't mind you sleeping over. Last night we were up late anywa-"

His eyes went wide as they both heard footsteps in the stairs. Bad quickly and silently threw a blanket over Skeppy, who curled up and got as still as possible.

Bad's mom opened the door without knocking as usual.

"Hi, Mom!" Bad's voice was a lot higher than usual. Skeppy internally cringed. He is the worst possible liar.
He tried his best to look like a pillow and not breathe. Bad was probably blocking him from his mom's view.

His mom's footsteps moved to the side; she never just went away.
"Zak. I see you."

Skeppy let out his breath. Yet another thing to add to the list of things he didn't like about Bad's mom: she always used both of their first names. Everyone else just went along with the nicknames.
That could go right under the fact that she didn't like Skeppy, and right over the fact she was a helicopter parent. A few other things on the list were the facts that she never gave Bad any space or privacy or listened to him because she always "knew what's best for him."

Bad nervously laughed. "What? Skeppy's not here."
But Skeppy snatched the blanket off his head, it's always useless. He looked at Bad's mom, who met his eyes disapprovingly.

"Darryl come talk to me." Her mouth was a thin line.

"Yes, ma'am."

The door closed behind them. Skeppy was alone, sitting on the bed by himself. He felt guilty. He hated getting Bad in trouble.
He could hear his mom through the door. "You insist on playing video games with him but he can't stay the night. As long as you live here you have to follow the rules of the house. No sleepovers. Especially not that boy."

Bad pleaded with her. "He's not a bad influence on me, Mom. I know you say he is but he-"

"No. If he's too lazy to walk back then I'll drive him to his house next time. Come and get me even if it's late. He shouldn't even be here on a school night; I'm too indulgent.
You need your sleep. You can't be staying up all night playing video games. If he won't leave, you come and get me, ok?"

"I'm the one that wants him to stay!"

Skeppy just sat numbly, staring at the floor.

"You don't know what you're saying. He hangs around you too much as it is.
I made breakfast downstairs. Finish getting ready, school starts in an hour."
She sighed.
"I know you resent this, Darryl, but I know what's best for you. You'll thank me for it someday."

Bad didn't answer. He came back into the room; his mom stopped the door from closing.
She gave Skeppy one last look, then went back down the stairs, knowing he'd leave without even having to say it anymore.

Some of Bad's natural optimism had evaporated away. Just for that Skeppy wanted to get up and slam the door, but that would just get Bad in more trouble.
Bad still gave him a little smile. "Sorry about that."
You shouldn't have to apologize for her.

"It's fine. Next time I'll just go home instead of staying over." Skeppy tried to be calm and casual, but anger burned under his skin. He put his phone in his hoodie pocket and tied it around his waist. That was all he had besides the clothes from yesterday he was wearing, so he went over to the window to leave.
God knows Bad's mom didn't care if he broke his neck climbing down the drainpipe, she'd probably be happy about it.
He had done it a hundred times though, and it beat passing through the kitchen and biting his tongue as she glared at him.

He opened it up and sat on the ledge, rotating to plant his feet on the sturdy supports. He glanced up, jumping a little when he saw Bad was right in front of him.

Bad quickly grabbed his arm to make sure he didn't fall, but Skeppy was still gripping the ledge tightly. "Sorry." Bad let go. "You don't have to go though, you could stick around."

They both knew it was a bald-faced lie. His mom would chase Skeppy out of the house with a broom.
"Nah." Skeppy shook his head and moved over to the ivy-rimmed drainpipe, Bad watched him worriedly. "I should go get ready for school too. See you on the bus."

As he said this he took one last look at Bad before starting to climb down. His bright green eyes were always looking at Skeppy, and his short brown hair was still slightly dripping onto the towel around his shoulders. Skeppy's gaze flitted over his light hair and kind face and eyes hiding concern and sadness, then he refocused on where his hands and feet were going.

Bad leaned out the window to make sure Skeppy was being careful. He didn't distract him until he got to the bottom and looked back up.
Then he said kinda sadly, "See you on the bus Skeppy."

Skeppy managed a smile and waved at him. Then he jumped over the little fence and left Bad's house.

The neighbor's tiny dog waddled over on its short legs and yipped at Skeppy for belly scratches.

Skeppy bent down and obliged like usual, happy this dog was a quiet one. He was thankful and slightly amused that it was so used to his routine.

After that he straightened up and the dog followed his legs to the sidewalk, where he strolled a few houses down and crossed the street to disappear inside his own.

(1.2k words)

Daily Updates to this for a while, you're welcome ;)
This song makes me think of Badboyhalo.

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