Chapter 6: Don't Let It Bother You

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Skeppy was hanging off the library table upside-down because he was bored.

He was talking idly with Bad, who was perusing the books nearby. A6d was studying or reading something at the end of the table.

"Ayyyy Bad!" Skeppy bent over backwards so the blood rushed to his head. "Look."

"Yes Skeppy you are very impressive," Bad said without looking.

Skeppy groaned melodramatically and brushed the carpet with his fingers. He was wondering what to do to demand Bad's attention when some random shoes stopped in front of his face. He looked up at their upside-down face and saw a dark-haired girl looking down her nose at him.
Um hello?
"Can I help you?" he asked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes and pointed at Bad's bookbag on the table. "Yeah is Badboyhalo here?"

"Oh Casey hey!" Bad poked his head out of the side-aisle and came to rummage in his bookbag.

"Hi!" This 'Casey' brightened, like she was mimicking Bad's sunshine personality. "I was wondering if I could borrow-"

"This?" Bad pulled out a pencil and handed it over.

"Thanks so much, you're a lifesaver." She walked away.
Skeppy stared after her, suspicious.
Bad smiled and went back to looking through the books.

"Bad, who was that?" Skeppy asked slowly.

"Who? Oh, that's Casey." Bad took a book off the shelf- flipped through the beginning- then put it back. "She leaves her pencils at home all the time so I bring a few extras for her."


"Zachary!" Skeppy jumped up at the librarian speaking loudly to him. "Get off the table right now, young man!"
Skeppy slid off into a seat sulkily.

Then once she was gone he resumed his previous position. A6d chuckled. "Zachary, I'll send you to the detention! Have some respect!" he imitated her shrill voice.

"Shut up," Skeppy muttered. "Doesn't even work cuz you sound so French, idiot."

Vincent layered on an unnecessary heavy accent to make fun of him. "oh, but of courze zis is becuz I am FrEEEnch, is zis right? I am zo FrEEEnch zat I cannot do zeez Amerikain voizez."

Skeppy rolled his eyes. Bad poked his head out again and said "HON HON HON!" happily.

A6d's angry high-pitched French screaming was aggressively shushed by everyone else nearby in the library. Skeppy was snorting with laughter at how angry he got about Bad's 'hon hon hon' every time.

"YOU 'SHHHHHHH!!'" A6d glared around at the people hushing him as the cranky librarian came back around the corner with her hands on her hips. Skeppy backflipped off the table and hid under it as a6d apologetically waved at her and she went away again, shaking her head.

Skeppy breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out on the table again.
Bad shook his head from where he was among the books. "You guys are really bad at following rules."

"Rules are boooooring," Skeppy said, watching Bad upside-down.

"agreed," a6d said. "maybe we shouldn't be hanging out in the library though."

Good point.

"So guys," Bad called out softly towards their table. "What are you thinking about Halloween costumes? Normally I'd plan a lot earlier but suddenly it's in a week and I don't have anything."

Skeppy sighed. He didn't care that much about Halloween, but Bad did, so he followed along with the costume candy stuff. A6d was obviously emotionlessly third-wheeling behind both of them, although sometimes he helped Skeppy jumpscare Bad or trick him into watching a horror movie.

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