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The two clans, Frostclan and Emberclan are at war. Are you willing to risk your life for the sake of your clan?

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Emberclan lives closest to the twolegplace. About half of the territory is a dense forest. Parts of the forest contains brambles and part of it contains trees with high branches. The trees range from oak to birch and even a cypress here and there at the edge of their territory closest to the twolegplace. The other half of their territory is a vast open moor filled with grass. Their camp is right in between where the forest ends and the moor begins. Half of the camp is on the moor side while the other half is on the forest side. Emberclan's warriors are split between the runners and the climbers. Password one is the name you would like to go by. The runners hunt and sleep on the moor and the climbers hunt and sleep under the cover of the trees. The leader's and medicine dens are right on the border so cats from either side can enter. The clan has always been like this and the cats are pretty strict with being split. However, this makes them strong. It's kind of like two clans coming together. Emberclan is the most temperamental clan. They have their temper, and have a fixed way of thinking. When there is something on their mind, they stick to it. Although they are the bravest, and very loyal.

Frostclan lives in a pine forest filled with rivers. They are the farthest away from twolegplace, so don't have to worry much about twoleg's or dogs. There is a twoleg den on their territory, but it's long since been abandoned. They live north of Emberclan, so it's always slightly cooler on there territory than on Emberclan's. Their camp is hidden at the heart of their territory with a small stream running through it. They line their nests with pine needles and any moss or feathers they can find. They like to swim in the rivers on their territory and they catch fish in these rivers. Fish isn't all they eat, though. Their freshkill pile also contains squirrels, water voles, and birds like woodpeckers or ravens. Frostclan lives as a whole clan, unlike Emberclan. They usually think things through before acting but their emotions can get the better of them. Their pelts are smooth from swimming and it doesn't get ruffled much because of the lack of undergrowth on their territory. They are intelligent and their claws are sharp, but they aren't as brave as Emberclan. Frostclan cats are taught to fight sneakily and rely on speed or reflexes. They try to outsmart their enemy while Emberclan just fights head on because they know they're stronger than Frostclan.

There is a large river that spits the two territories in half. It's far too wide to jump across, so you would have to swim if you want to go directly across. It does get narrower and shallower upstream though. There are stepping stones upstream where a cat could cross if they don't like getting their paws wet.

The crystal cave is east of both clan territories upstream. Once you enter there is a long sloping tunnel that leads to the mooncrystal. Password two is the pronouns you go by. Cats usually don't go alone unless they know the cave well since there are multiple tunnels and one could easily get lost if they barely know the way.


1. Try not to leave anyone out. I know you may have a friend or a few friends who you love Roleplaying with but there may be some people who don't know anyone so try to include everyone but make it seem like something your character would naturally do.

2. Limit is three characters per clan per person. Usually I would only say two per clan per person but I know some people can handle and actually enjoy roleplaying with like six characters and I wanted to give then the freedom to do that. Just make sure you are able to keep up with them all or else you will have to kïll some of them off.

3. No Mary/Gary Sues or OP characters. Please just don't bring these characters to roleplay with. They need to have about an equal amount of flaws and good traits. No one is ever completely evil or completely good. There is always a mix of both. I also suggest you try making a backstory for your characters so you can roleplay them better although it will be optional on the form. The past is what molds our future.

4. Use at least three complete sentences when roleplaying. Some of you are probably going to say you are that literate or good at writing but roleplaying (at least on here) has everything to do with writing. Password three is how long you've been roleplaying. It helps us improve our writing skills and even our OCs. So I'm saying just write at least three complete sentences.

5. Make sure the character makes sense. Before you make a character you should always think, "could this cat be an actual warrior cat?" This means no orange or red- eyed cats. No cats with the name Bellscratch or Tuxleap or Glasscloud. If a wild cat doesn't know what it is, don't include is in the name.

6. Ask before killing someone's character. None of us want to come back to find one of our characters dead. I understand the clans are at war and there will be some death but don't just kill someone's character without their permission, it's rude. That being said, this is going on during war. So everyone can't just keep their characters alive forever. If you only have one character I won't make you kill them off but if you have multiple I want at least one to die by the end of the roleplay.

7. Roleplay following the rating of this roleplay: Pg-13. This should be an easy rule to follow, since the age limit for Wattpad is thirteen. This means that no roleplaying any sexual scenes or scenes that may be sensitive to roleplayers. Password four is anything or a scene that might trigger you or you might be sensitive to. This also means censoring any words Wattpad doesn't like. Now you should only be using cat curse words so this shouldn't be much of a problem but Wattpad doesn't like the word kill so make sure you censor it like kïll or k*ll.

8. Have fun and enjoy the roleplay. Yes, this includes war, but it isn't technically a survival game. The cats are just fighting each other. Have fun roleplaying, and enjoy it. If you are busy then I'll understand, everyone gets busy. I just don't want you joining this to add any stress on your life. Roleplaying is supposed to be fun, not a priority. Who knows, maybe you'll make a new friend and learn a thing or two?

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