the source 🧐

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You and Alvin went to the kitchen to investigate the banging noise, it didn't seem to be coming from there so you checked the living room and basement. finally after checking basically the whole house you guys still couldn't find out where it was coming from. you guys stopped searching to have a small chat in the hallway. Suddenly out of the blue Alivn said "the attic.." you glanced over in confusion "what attic?" you said confused. Then alvin said "this attic" he pointed to the ceiling with a mysterious lever. you hadn't noticed that before. Then Alvin asked, "could you give me a lift?" You lifted Alvin carefully on your shoulders, you could feel his massive cock digging into your neck 😩. Then Alvin pulled the lever and stairs flew down from the ceiling. Alvin then hopped off of your shoulders and said "ok baby cakes i'm gonna head up, follow me and i'll keep you safe 😏" you smiled and followed Alvin up the stairs. once you and Alvin were up there you he warned both started you and said "we have to whisper, if somethings up here we have to be careful." after that you guys started looking around separately. suddenly as you were looking you could hear a slight banging, it sounded closer then ever, it suddenly went quiet and you then alerted Alvin. he was still investigating. you tapped him on the shoulder and whispered "baby i heard the noise again 😰" he stood there and then whispered back me too bae, it sounded close." then the most shocking thing happened, you both turned your head in shock to one of the boxes labeled "old sex toys" you could hear muffled moans coming from inside the box. You and Alvin slowly opened it and peaked inside. when you opened it you gasped, this was the thing you and Alvin least expected. as you stared into the box you could see Alvin's brothers Theodore and Simon fucking!!!!!!! they were using Alvins old sex toys to fuck each other, Alvin looked at them then the window to the attic, that's when he realized it was slightly opened, that must've been how they got up there!! he looked at them in disbelief, how could he have not known it was them. then Alvin shouted in disgust, "YOU UGLY PIGS, FUCKING INCEST MOTHERFUCKERS GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! THIS ID WHY I HATE YOU GUYS, THIS IS WHY I DONT LET YOU IN MY HOME!!!!! FUCK OFF WONT YOU?!?!?" Simon and Theodore started screaming, they looked absolutely terrified and shocked that he found them. they quickly scurried out of the house butt naked. i looked back at the window then back at Alvin again with my mouth gaping. i turned to him and said "you really showed them who's boss baby 😏 i love you so much you sexy beast." he replied and said "thanks fuck bunny 😍" then you guys started dry humping on the floor in the pile of cum his siblings left.

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