New classmate

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Author's pov,

Jimin opened  his locker and put his things inside with a sigh thinking about  his new neighbor ,  " i don't even know his name yet" he spoke banging his own head into the red locker and lock it after ,

" hey " a familiar voice speaks from behind making jimin startled, 

"Yahh! You scare me !"

"Sorry chim i didn't mean to, by the way, have you heard the news already ?" Taehyung questioned  holding his back pack while walking into the hall along with his friend ,

"No i haven't why?" Jimin commented getting curious about the sudden news ,

"We have a new classmate and his the son of our principal "

"Wait legit?!!!!" A loud gasp came its way into his mouth as he didn't know that principle sarah have a son ,

"Yeah ,and i heard that he never said his name into the public but just Mr. Jeon "  taehyung continued getting curious as well ,

While they are walking jimin noticed a familiar figure not so far away from them , tall, black haired, and masculine , so he stops from his tracks "wait isn't that my new neighbor? "

"What do you-"

"Tae help me with this book plss" his mother spoke and he kindly obliged and excuse himself to his friend while jimin just nod and walk right thru jungkook ,

"Hey gargoyle its a first time for me to see you here" he greeted the boy from behind while the other just ignore him and walk rather faster making the smaller hard to catch up ,

The taller made his way into the males restroom and went inside "hey wait-owwwww!!!" Jimin stumbled aback  and his own plumpy ass meet the floor when the boy just close the door suddenly ,

He hissed and stood up with a frown into his face , "i can't just let him violent me like this and stumped my pride down!!!" He spoke angrily and walk away ,

While on another hand jungkook peek inside the door just checking if the boy is still there and into his relief there was no signs of his presence ,

Jungkook was walking smugly while looking at the girls who was literary drooling over him , but so suddenly a plenty of water washed all over him from above making his uniform soaked  in wet ,

Making him stood there like a statue, "thank me later gargoyle "  a very familiar voice spoke above him so he look up with a killer gazed and a poker right into his face  ,

Jungkook watched how the boy just look at him in awe with a hand underneath his chin teasing him even more , 

"Mr, park come into my office asap" after hearing his mother's voice he smirk , 


"Wait That gargoyle is your son?!!, i didnt know i am so sorry Mrs, jeon your child is very mean, i just cant help it " he pleaded regretting what he just did ,

"I know that but I am doing this not because his my son, no, i am doing this because I'm a principal and don't worry your punishment is not that bad , in 3 weeks you'll be cleaning the library before you go home, got it?" The principal required while the other just nod with a sigh and went outside ,


"Morning teacher kim" the smaller greeted looking down feeling gloomy as he didn't notice the boy's presence in front because  he was too engrossed thinking about the punishment he just receive for the first time ,

The boy sat down into his own chair looking at the window feeling so blue , "hi I'm Mr, jeon the son's principal and will be your new classmate " jungkook spoke still his eyes pinned against the unaware boy ,

But after hearing that jimin got taken aback and look in front only to crouch down , literary hiding from him ,

"Feel free to choose your own sit" the teacher suddenly  announced making it more worst , and minutes later he heard a sudden
"Thank you"

"Fo-for what" jimin answered still in the same position because  he doesn't want to look up at all ,

"For soaking me , you said i should say thank you for doing that " he continued making the other gulp ,

" i-uh-Welcome i guess?......"

Author : so yeah don't expect me to give y'all a long chapter because i am lazy af but anyways i hope you guys enjoyed it , see you in the next chapter byeee!!! <3

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