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Jungkook's pov

" well he wasn't lying when he told me that   he will be looking cute wearing a sunglasses on " i thought looking at him, and i get it now he has a crush on this Gucci Guy because he is way too fucking obvious though why Tf he hasn't notice it yet?,

Jimin excuse himself and i can see he is blushing even though I'm too far from him ,

Minutes later he came back with a guy on his back and i guess his a new student too because i haven't seen his face before though just now and based on how jimin talk to him i think they are pretty closed ,

The sunshine like guy spoke and told us about his self status including his name which is jung hoseok and i admit his pretty cool ,

"ma'am can i sit with taehyung?" He ask pointing at his chair just in front of me and i kinda notice the way jimin's smile slowly drop from behind,   they having a third party i see ,

Author pov ,

The class has finally ended and jimin was just like a third wheel following everywhere taehyung and hoseok would go and its not like his complaining though well maybe ,

They were currently giving hoseok a tour , and hours later jimin saw a wild dog not so far away from them as if any minutes right now the dog will rushed thru them and attack , both taehyung and hoseok didn't notice it since they were too engrossed talking to each other while walking ,

" i can't just ruined their moments like this"  the boy thought looking at them so with a sigh jimin focused into the dog and tease him to take  his attention and it succeed when the dog itself bark and chased him ,

So jimin run away in a speed of light not wanting to get bitten , sweats was dripping on his for head and got too exhausted from running ,

Jimin's foot suddenly became weak making him  stumbled in front  , the Petite boy immediately gathered his strength and stand up only to fall back and bumped into the wall ,

He just leaned his head on it giving up  with a tears brimming down  into his soft white cheeks when he saw the dog was getting closer to him,

The smaller just closed his eyes waiting for the consequences to happened but unexpectedly it didn't came so he slowly opened his eyes only see it rushing away ,

" you are really a troublesome" after hearing that voice jimin look up and saw jungkook looking down at him with a frown into his face ,

"I just don't want to interfere at their sweet moments though " he spoke truthfully making the other confused ,

"Even though your life is depend on it?! You gotta be kidding me"

" i am ready to take a risk just for them"

"Really? I saw how terrified you are when that bullcrap was in front of you to the point you just closed your eyes and its telling me other wise"  jungkook required now getting irritated ,

"I just wanted them to be happy"

"Do you meant HIM? , i already know it jimin no need to hide it cause its way too obvious and can't you see it?, his already happy being with you"

"It is because I'm his friend" jimin spoke finishing it , he tried to stand up but his ankle was hurting ,

"Can i ride you?" He suddenly ask making the other choke on his own saliva

"aren't you being too fast?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You said you wanted to ride me"

"Oh your such a dirty minded jeon and its disgusting, what i meant is to have a piggy back ride not riding your dick!"

He commented while the other just scratch the back of his neck embarrassingly,

"Well its not my fault when your sentence hit different in my mind" he continued assisting him to jump on his back ,

Jungkook carried the boy without even struggling because his a light weighted, he just keep walking not noticing the boy already fall asleep on his back not until he hears a snore ,

"God what are you exactly doing to me park jimin"   he thought and continued his tracks ,

If you saw any grammatical error kindly correct it and see you guys in the next chapter ! <3

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