5) Wife...

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Word count: 782

I'm so stupid and didn't think about religions when writing the next chapter... So if you can't drink try candy ache? I'm so sorry for being inconsiderate.

 So if you can't drink try candy ache? I'm so sorry for being inconsiderate

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"Stranger who knows all my secrets can pull me apart and break my heart... a soulmate who wasn't meant to be"
-A soulmate who wasn't meant to be:
Jess Benko

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Third person:

Y/N woke up sick the next morning from drinking way to damn much. They were now walking through the school halls having a major head ache.

"Hey L/N! Are you okay?" Giyuu asked catching up from behind.

"Uh yeah! My head just hurts" they explained.

Giyuu hummed as his eyes widened.

"I forgot to tell you! My wife went to the dance right when you left! She was so excited to meet you" he conversed.

"Oh really? Cool! Um look I have a really important lesson today so it would be cool if you stayed away. Not in a mean way! I just don't wanna get distracted, you know?" I said monotones until I realized my request sounded hurtful.

"Oh okay... Um I'll see you after school?" He asked.

"Actually Mitsuri told me she is able to drive me now, but thank you!" I explained trying to get away from him.

"Oh well, have a nice day!" He left to his class as I took a left to mine.

"Hi L/N-San! I'm surprised Tomioka-San didn't walk you to class today" a student named Tanjrou welcomed me.

"Oh well he's busy! And we are going to have a very important lesson today. So if you guys can take out your textbooks that would be awesome!" I started the lesson as the students became interested.

"Wait L/N, I heard Tomioka's plan today was to watch a movie?" A student named Inosuke began to question.

"Ah yes sorry... I meant we are busy today! So today we are reading this book called "attack-" I was cut off by another student.

"Is it because Tomioka is seeing another woman?" A kid with yellow hair that faded into orange asked.

"No, and please raise your hand next time!" I said with a smile though I was getting annoyed.

"Anyways in the book we see the main character go through a sudden change by the end. Now if someone could raise there hand and tell me which chapter he changed in and why?" I asked.

I saw Kanao raised her hand. "Yes, Kanao?" I chose her to answer the question.

"Wait so are you and Tomioka not talking anymore? That's weird I thought you 2 were about to date," she said as my eyes widened.

Kanao was a good student who always followed directions. She never speaks but when she does it's always on topic. So why now?

"You know what? How about we watch the movie instead! I'm pretty sure you guys watched all 3 seasons or read the chapters" I moved the topic as I heard the students cheer.

I pressed play on the movie and began to check my emails while the students began to feel all sorts of emotions.


"Class dismissed!" I called out to my last period class.

Students flooded the door trying to leave as soon as possible. I began to grade some work as I heard a knock at the door.

"Tutoring is next Thursday sorry!" I spoke out not checking who was at the door.

"Oh it's me" a serious voice chipped in from behind the wooden door, showing Giyuu.

"Hey!" I welcomed as I noticed a girl behind him.

"Hi! I've heard a lot about you" A girl with black hair that turned into a dark purple greeted.

"Oh uh hello!" I waved at the girl realizing who she was.

"I'm Tomioka's wife! My name is Kocho Shinobu! And I came to ask if you wanted to get dinner with me and Tomioka?" She suggested.

"Um Sure! Would it be okay if I brought a friend?" I asked not wanting to be a third wheel.

"Of course!! Can't wait to get to know you!" she yelled in excitement as Tomioka guided her out the door.

"Oh before I go, thank you" he had a small smile as my eye brows lifted in a curious manner.

"For the dance? It was fun and I had a really good time" he gave a even bigger smile as he turned seeing his wife.

"See you Saturday!" He walked away with his beloved wife as I sat at my desk grinning with red cheeks.

"He's married I can't get my hopes up"

A/N: I've been starting too many projects to take my mind out of my actual life so sorry for not posting that much. This book has so many AOT references I am so sorry but I'm addicted to Mikasa.

 This book has so many AOT references I am so sorry but I'm addicted to Mikasa

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