XI) Tired

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Word count: 635

"You just need a better life than this, you need something I could never give,"-Heat Waves:Glass Animals

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"You just need a better life than this, you need something I could never give,"
-Heat Waves
:Glass Animals


Giyuu's POV
First person:

I was home laying in bed with the guilt flooding over me.

"Hey is everything okay? I haven't seen you this upset since your friend passed away," my wife knocked on the door standing at the frame asked in curiosity.

"Im okay, I just need time to myself," I sighed and continued to mope.

I had no intentions on getting up nor saying anything.

"You can't keep shutting me out Giyuu. This isn't high school I'm not some fling. I'm your wife," she sighed.

"Look I'll tell you when I'm ready please just leave me alone," I begged.

"I'm so tired of this. When we first got married we shared everything with each other and now you can barley even tell me what you ate for breakfast," she continued.

"Look I am trying okay, I'm trying to not let everything and everyone flood over me yet all you're doing is pushing me to talk it out. If I talk it out what good will that do, huh? Nothing will change!" I yelled tired of her blabbering.

"I need you to at least act like you still care about our marriage," she hoped.

My eyes widened as a angered reaction came over me. I was offended that she thinks I don't care about our marriage; as I just lost the one person who understood me in order to keep my marriage going.

"You know what? I'm tired, tired of arguing. When I first opened up to you about my sister and about Sabito all you did was stay silent. It's like you felt sorry but couldn't let words come out. I'm tired I'm so tired of being the problem. It's like nothing pleases you anymore no matter what I do I'm always the problem. I've given you every piece of me at this point and you're still begging for more," I sighed.

"That's not fair, it's not my fault you treat me like a total stranger now. When you told me about Sabito and your sister I was 15! What was I going to say??" She fought.

"Im done with arguing with you all the time and constantly feeling like the bad guys please just understand that I don't want to open up to you when you're constantly making me feel like I have no one to open up to," I explained and quickly covered myself with my blanket.

She left quietly shutting the door.

Now it's just me.

Me all alone.

I shut away the only person who cared and stayed for so long.

My marriage is falling apart, my job is falling apart, my love mental state it falling apart.

I'm to blame for it all. I let go of the person who genuinely cared and clicked with me instantly. If I were to tell them how I feel at this very moment they'd probably still be understanding yet I blew it.

I don't understand why I feel so lost without Y/N. I feel like the whole world just stopped, leaving me alone disappointed.

I couldn't leave I couldn't get out of bed. I felt trapped like something was just holding me down onto my bed and there was so motivation for me to get up.

All I can hear and think of is them and their voice. It's a constant ring in my ear.

In my most vulnerable state Y/N would know what to say to make me feel better and make me feel wanted.

'Why am I comparing them to my wife?' I asked myself while still laying down covering my head with my blanket.

"I'm a shitty person"


I feel so unmotivated to do anything so everything that Giyuu says in This chapter is basically a call for help by me 😍

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I feel so unmotivated to do anything so everything that Giyuu says in This chapter is basically a call for help by me 😍

(Obsessed with Glass Animals rn specifically the Song Helium which will be popping up in like a few chapters ;) )

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