A Group Chat?

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Junko's PoV

Damn, I'm bored. Ever since that damn killing game was over,things just got lame.This school is so boring. And the fact that they went back to life?What the fuck?

I just sat on my desk, slouching. Pressing random buttons on my phone.

But then,my smartass got an idea.I made a social media account for Monokuma and decided to make a gc for everyone.

THH Gang

Monokuma created a group chat



Byakuya Togami has left the chat.

Monokuma has added Byakuya Togami

Monokuma:Hey!Stop being rude!😡

Togami:Stop being annoying.

Aoi:eh?what is this anyway?

Kyoko:a groupchat.

Togami:No shit,Sherlock.

Mondo: don't talk to a girl like that!😡😡😡😡

Togami: whatever, I'm leaving.

Monokuma: no one's allowed to leave, it's a rule.


Tch.Byakuya...As rude as always.What a bitch.He's an even bigger bitch than me!Whatever.

I decided to mess with then on the group chat for a while.

*time skip*

I'm bored again...

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