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Kyoko's POV

I was waiting outside.Not knowing what that woman is up to. Should I just leave? I was about to turn around and leave until I heard the door open.

"Took you long eno-" I was about to talk to the female but I have found my father instead.

I felt nervous and happy at the same time.My heart was pumping fast but I remained to keep my composure, showing my signature poker face.

"Hello,Kyoko.." He greeted.

I just nodded and said, "Father."

He lend out his hand, waiting for me to take it.As I did,he started walking and so did I. I turned around to look at his office door and I saw Celestia coming out from the office.

Our eyes met and she smiled at me as if she was feeling very happy for me. I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach. And I never expected to say this,though I am not fond of these very cliché things.

Father and I continued to walk and I see that were leaving school. We went to his car and I sat on the 'Shotgun' seat as he proceeded to drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He smiled,his eyes glued to the road. He responded. "You'll see."

I nodded and faced the window beside me.

Not long,I noticed that we were heading to a very familiar place. I can not point a finger at it but I feel like I have seen it before.

The man parked the car and we both got out. He then led me to a very familiar place.And that is where I realized, this is was my favourite restaurant when I was a child.

He took me inside the restaurant and sat on the table. "Do you remember this place,Kyoko?" He asked as he was looking at me in the eyes.

"Yes. I do remember." I replied.

He smiled and took out his wallet.He seemed to be getting something out of the wallet.I saw that it was a photograph and he handed it to me.

I analysed the photo and it was a photograph of me and my father in this restaurant.He was carrying me on his shoulder in front of this restaurant.

"This photo." I spoke. "I did not know that you still have this."

"This is one of the greatest photos that was ever taken. I cannot afford to lose it."

I gave him a small smile.He seemed surprised by my reaction but later on smiled wider.He then called the waiter and orderer us food. He even ordered my meal for me. He still remembers my favourite meal.

As we were eating,he began to speak.Telling me how he has been,how he has been working, asking me if I was taking care of myself and if I was having a nice time at school. I did not speak much and only spoke if asked. He did not seem to mind since he knew I am not very talkative. Though,he did tell me that I used to be a very noisy child when I was young. How funny.

I had a good time.It was nice spending time with him,at last. I never thought I would talk to him like this again. I felt very happy around him just like I used to before as a child.

After we ate our meal,we went back to the car and he drove our way back to the school.

"Did you have a good time?"  He asked,still focusing on the road.

"Yes,father. I had a wonderful time."

"We should hang out again in my free time."

I looked at him and saw him smiling. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. Anyway,I am very sorry for not having time for you.If I may be honest with you,I did have free times but I never decided to visit you. It's not like I do not want to but I am just afraid of what you would think of me. I feel like you don't want to see me."

"You're wrong,father. I have always waited for this day." I smiled at him. "Thank you, father."

"Oh,please do not thank me. Thank your lovely Girlfriend."


"Celestia Ludenberg."

"Oh, she is not my significant other."

"It would be nice if she was?" He chuckled.

I just sighed, trying to hide the blush that was forming on my face.

"That woman is very nice.She always cares about you.She was even the one who said I should bond with you. She always thinks about you.What a great friend." Father said as he smiled.

The same cliché feeling that I felt a while ago came back.It came to the realization that Celestia actually cares about me. Maybe she isn't so bad after all.

As we reached the school,my father bid me farewell and went back to the office.He gave me a kiss on my forehead and I smiled at him, contented in the simple interaction and watched him go.

Today was a wonderful day.

I was thinking about today until I remember what my father have said.

"That woman is very nice.She always cares about you.She was even the one who said I should bond with you. She always thinks about you.What a great friend."

I guess this is all thanks to Celes,huh?

As I thought about it,I decided to go to Celestia's dorm. I knocked on the door and she immediately answered.

"Oh,Kyoko. You're back alread-" I cut her off as I tackled her into a hug. I buried my face into her shoulder to hide the blushing and embarrassment.

It always feels nice to feel her close to me.Her body has always been cold,yet so warm.

She hugged back and we stayed like this for a while.I pulled away, trying to keep my composure.

"What was all that?" Celes asked, smiling.

"It...It was just a hug to show my appreciation."


"Thank you for making my day.Because of you,I finally got the chance to interact with my father again like we used to before."

I saw Celes blushed which made me blush harder. Did I say something embarrassing? I saw her smile once more and held my hand."Anything for you, darling"

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