The Little Secret (EnnoTanna & KiyoYachi)

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Everyone in Karasuno thought that Tanaka and Kiyoko are dating. Ever since Tanaka announced he and Kiyoko is dating, the team congratulated the two and everyone has been calling them the cutest couple in school. Even their parents approve.

But the thing is, none of them have seen them kiss, ever. Not even a simple forehead kiss, they've only seen them hold hands and head pats. Everyone brushed it off, thinking the new couple just don't like PDA.

But of course, there's more to it.


It was a sunny afternoon and Karasuno just finished their afternoon practice. Tsukishima Kei and his freckled boyfriend, Yamaguchi Tadashi, was just chatting while cleaning up the gym. And while finishing up, they turned around a corner, and they saw something they never expected to see.

It was Kiyoko and Yachi, Kissing. They both let out quiet gasps, Yamaguchi covering his mouth with his hands, eyes widen in disbelief as Tsukishima took a photo. They quickly ran away, and once they're out of earshot, Yamaguchi asked, 

"Was that... Kiyoko-san and Hitoka-chan???" Tsukishima stared at the photo he took with a scowl, "Yeah, it's clearly them.."

At his boyfriend's response, Yamaguchi frowns and asked once more, "B-But isn't Kiyoko-san dating Tanaka-san???"

"Well I don't know why they're kissing but we have to tell Tanaka-san" Tsukishima answered while trotting away, his boyfriend trailing behind me.


"Tanaka-san." The blond called out to his senior, who immediately turned his head towards the younger male.

"Oho~? What do you need Tsukki?" Tanaka asked with a grin, while Nishinoya jumped beside his bro. Tsukishima scowled.

"First of all, don't call me that. Second of all, can we talk in private?" Tanaka was surprised at his kouhai's request but said 'sure' and followed him to the back of the gym, without knowing that two other male had follow them.

After a few minutes of silence, Tsukishima spilled the tea,

"Kiyoko-san is cheating on you and Yachi is a homewrecker" The middle blocker spat out angrily, making the wing spiker's eyes widen. Tsukishima showed Tanaka the picture and Tanaka seemed to relax a bit. But before he can clear everything up, they heard sharp gasps from the gymnasium doors. It was Noya and Hinata, eyes widen and mouth agape, disbelief clearly written on their faces.

"Shit" Tanaka cursed under his breath, watching the two run into the gym. Tanaka ran to catch up to them, not wanting them to tell the others, but it was too late. When he and a slightly confused Tsukishima entered the gym, Noya and Hinata was already telling them what they heard and saw. 

The third years were baffled, Narita and Kinoshita was shocked, Ennoshita was biting his lower lips, while Kageyama has a look of confusion. Yamaguchi, seeing Tsukishima enter, immediately running to him, clutching his arm.

  "Oh...Tanaka" Suga immediately ran to Tanaka once he saw him, his shock replaced with worry. "Are you okay?" The silver haired male asked, grasping Tanaka's shoulder.

Tanaka just nodded his head before asking, "What's wrong Suga-san?" pretending to be clueless. Suga bit his tounge, but before he can say anything, Tsukishima piped up again.

"If this is about Kiyoko-san cheating on Tanaka-san, it is true. I have proof" Tsukishima showed the entire team the picture, earning gasps from the team. Well, except for Ennoshita and Tanaka, who are looking at each other in worry.

"Oh my god...I couldn't believe..." Narita mumbled, looking at the picture in shock. 

"Guys, it's a misundersta--"

"Hey guys! What did we miss?"

Before Tanaka could explain anything, the two managers walked in. The two girl was immediately bombarded by questions and glares. Yachi squeaked in surprise and hiding behind the older girl's figure and Kiyoko glares at the boys. 

"What's wrong? You're scaring Hitoka-chan with all your questions and glares" Kiyoko asked. Everyone calmed down and went silent for a while. Before Kinoshita hissed, "Yachi, I couldn't believe you!"

Yachi trembled in fear, tears in her eyes. "W-what do you mean Kinoshita-san?? What did i do??"

"You know what you did" Tsukishima growled, pulling out his phone and showing them the picture. The two girls paled in horror, knowing they need to reveal their secret to clear things up. 

"Guys... This is a misunderstanding" Kiyoko clarified slowly. 

Narita shook his head, "Misunderstanding my ass! You clearly cheated on Tanaka!" He shouts, earning more glares from the second years.

Kiyoko sighs before shaking her head, "It's not cheating if i'm not dating him in the first place!" She said with a frown, earning more questions from the team.



"You're kidding me..."

"What the fuuuuuuuuuck..."

"Okay, can anyone give us some fucking clarification????"

Tanaka sighed, making everyone turned their heads to him. "Me and Kiyoko-san isn't dating... We're dating somebody else" He clarified, while taking Ennoshita's hand, who blushed furiously.

"Wait wait wait waait. So you two aren't dating??" Noya asked, earning a strict 'No' from the two. "So why did you two pretend to be a couple????"

"Well... My parents are pretty homophobic, so I asked Kiyoko-san to help me convince them I'm straight and dating a girl" Tanaka sighed while looking away, making his boyfriend smile sadly and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"So... Who's dating who?" Suga asked.

"I'm dating Hitoka-chan, Tanaka-san is dating Ennoshita" This time Kiyoko piped up, taking her small girlfriend's hand, making the latter blush. Suga awww-ed and congratulate them.

"Oh thank god! I thought you were cheating" Asahi sighed in relief. Yamaguchi nodded in agreement while smiling. 

"Huh, bro i thought you were straight!" Noya exclaimed, making Tanaka grin.

"No bro, I'm bisexual bro, just like you!"

"BROOO!"  "BRO!"

The two hugged in a friendly way, while the other second years chuckled. Kiyoko smiled before pulling Yachi closer to her and kissing her forehead. Yachi blushed and giggle, and the third years aww-ed. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi looked at each other before smiling, looks like their accidental encounter did something good afterall.

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