Perfection (AranKita)

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Kita's parents are wealthy and famous. They travel a lot too, hence why Kita is living with his grandmother. But recently, Kita's parents didn't travel a lot so Kita moved back to live in his parents' mansion. Kita loves his parents, he really do. But they always tried to push him to perfection. Demanding perfect grades, perfect attitude, perfect life in overall.

And Kita never said no. Whatever his parents want him to do, he will comply. Because he believed they're doing this for his own good.

"You could do better Shinsuke"
"Your grade could be better dear"
"Stop looking so emotionless"
"Brighten up a little Shin"
"Make us proud."

Those are some things his parents would say to him. Kita would just brush it off and try better, he would do anything to make his parents happy. He would do anything to make his parents proud.

His parents were also very strict, elegant and no-nonsense people. They used to prohibits Kita from joining the volleyball club, but luckily, after a lot of convincing, they allowed him.

Their life style were really contrast to Kita's grandma's lifestyle. Kita's grandma is pretty strict too, but there's breathing room for him, and when Kita came out as a gay man, his grandma accepted him.

Kita didn't want to come out to his parents. He knows what would happen if he does, he would be yelled at, his parents would hate him, and worse, kick him out. Maybe that's just him worrying too much, but still.

So he always kept his mouth shut, keeping his perfect boy facade.


"Hey Shin, are you okay?"

Kita looked up to see Aran, his boyfriend and best friend. Kita and Aran has been dating for a while, even though no one knows about it.

Kita nodded weakly, "Yeah.. I'm fine Aran"

Aran wasn't that convinced. Kita is looking pale and his eyes are slightly red. It was not that noticeable, but as his boyfriend, Aran of course noticed.

Seeing Aran's unconvinced face, Kita smiled lightly, "Aran, love, I'm okay. I'm just a little tired, I'm okay"

".... Alright, but make sure you don't stay up late okay? And get rest" Aran scolded softly.

Kita giggled lightly, "Alright.. I won't"

But the thing is, he lied. That night, he stayed up late, doing his homework and extra tasks all night. His parents noticed his grades are going down from a perfect 100 to around 90-80. And they were not happy.

So everyday, they assigned him extra tasks to do. Many, many, tasks and assignments. Not just that, but he has a group project with a couple people from his class.

But the thing is, they knew Kita is intelligent. And they took full advantage of that.

They dumped all the works to him so that he would do all the work perfectly while they goof around. Kita was a little irritated, but he didn't say anything.

He rarely says no to other people. He always had a hard time saying no.

So he has been staying up all night, finishing his projects and assignments up until dawn, only to wake up a few hours later. These past days, he only slept for around 2-3 hours, he would even skip lunch at school to work on the projects.

His parents didn't know. His friends didn't know. His boyfriend didn't know.

He didn't want to worry them.

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