The one where they meet

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I found myself staring into his eyes from the back of the classroom. They're so pretty and sparkly they look like emeralds. I watched as his tongue flicked across his pink lips and....No!
Jesus what am I thinking he's a member of the army here to give a talk to my students about how ww2 would have been different if it had happened today (or something I'm not exactly sure the principle didn't give me a chance to ask). And I am a teacher who's job it is to teach the children not to stare at the gorgeous army man no matter how cute his dimples are.

'And I think that's all"

Oops that's my cue. Soldier McHotey and his puppy dog eyed friend just finished talking so I made that way to the front.
"Ok guys I hope you learned some thing today and what do you say to Mr Styles and Mr Payne ?" (god I hope I got their names right)
"Thank You"
I chuckled at the children's droning answer.
"Ok then, you can get up and look at the items they brought and table captains can use the iPads to take photos of the items ONLY no photos of others children please"
They got up excitedly and began rushing around the classroom. I shook my head with a smile. Kids.
Someone cleared their throat behind me. I turned and gasped. Soldier McHotey, god he's even hotter close up. Ok act aloof you got this
"Eh hi"
Jesus that voice
"Hi how can I help you?"
Good keep it cool. Light and breezy
"Well I was wondering if I could get you number"
Oh look at this he's cocky huh, well two can play at that
"And why would you need my number?"
Uh huh your dealing with da sass master from Doncaster now curly
"Well when a saw such a gorgeous young man I knew I had to take him out to dinner. So can I have your number"
Ohh mama look at those eyes. Hooo breath ok he want my number he's gotta work for it.
"I don't know convince me"
He's smirking HES SMIRKING ok thats fine I'm fine let's see what he's got
"Come on love I'll buy you a whole bunch of roses"
Love?? Ok well I can't say no to that
"Well if-"
"HA Mr Louis deserves a hundred roses!"
I snorted it was Tom a small boy from my class with a big attitude and he was rather fond of me. Well let's see what soldier hottey has to say to that.
"Is that so?"
He looked down at Tom with those big kind eyes and I melted a little.

"Then I shall buy him 101"


Ok he wins he can do whatever he wants I fold.
And he's looking at me with that smirk again dammmmm
"So what do u say?"
By now Tom had wondered of no longer interested and it was just me and him
"Ok here 09**********"
I hope this isn't a mistake
"Why thank you and what should I put in for the contact"
Ok how could this be a mistake he's so perfect
"Louis Tomlinson"
I watched as he typed and felt a buzz from my pocket. He sent me a kissy heart face!!!! Ugh ok stop smiling stop smiling ok phew.
"And what should I put in for you"
There we go back to light and breezy
"Harry, Harry styles"
Light and breezy just jumped out the window his name is Harry freaking Styles ahhhh
It was then I noticed Jane, one of the kids, filming what was going on in the classroom.
"Sorry Harry I have to go"
He looked at Jane and laughed softly
"It's ok I'll see you tonight yeah??"
He's gonna see me tonight!!!
"Uh yeah sure text me"
I ran towards Jane and began to tell her of but not before sneaking one last glance and the handsome green eyed soldier.
I have a date!!!


Authors Note: this is my first book so I hope you like it!
I love getting constructive feedback but please don't be rude. If u see any mistakes please feel free to point them out POLITELY.

Also there will be a-lot of time skips and things as this is a short story.
And yeah I hope you enjoy reading!

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