The One Where They Can Do This

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*ring ring*

I took a deep breath

*ring ring*

Why was it taking him so long to pick up


Shit I missed his voice so much. It had been three days since I'd heard his voice. Three days since he'd left, but it felt like an eternity

I startled as his voice shook me from my thoughts
"I'm here, sorry I'm here"
He chuckled at my frantic voice
"Hey it's ok. How are you doing?"
Oh. Well not to good but I don't want him to worry he's got so much in his plate. What do I say? I shook my head. The truth, always the truth with Harry.

"I've been better, I miss you though"
"I know I miss you too, so freaking much"
I smiled gently at the floor as I played with the hem of my jumper.

"Is it bad that makes me feel better"
I could here the smile in his voice when he replied.
"No, no it's not bad at all. And hey you know what?"
"3 days down already!"
I laughed quietly
"Only 177 day left," I replied weakly
"Yeah," he sighed, " we can do this"
His voice was confident that it made me feel better. Even though he was so far away he was always my rock

"Hey Lou, I found out something cool today"
That caught my attention
"Yeah what? Do they have those nerdy movies you like to watch"
I giggled. I'm so funny
"Heyyyyyyy. And no that's not it. I don't think I'm gonna tell you now"
Aww come on that's not fair!
"Hazzzzzzz. Pleaseeee pretty please?? I'm sorry"
I could hear him laughing.
"Ok you big baby. There's a website for our troop and their families that works a bit like Instagram where we can make posts and chat with other people in the same situation as us"

I thought about it for a second.
"That sounds good send me the link"
I smiled, he sounded so excited.
"Yeah Haz"
I heard someone shouting in the background and sighed.
"Time for you to go?"

"Yeah I'm sorry"
He sounded so apologetic I felt bad.
"Hey your ok, I love you"

"I love you too, bye sweetheart"



I sat there in silence missing the sound of him bustling around the apparent.
I took a deep breath and walked over to mark another day of my calendar. I can do this.

3 down only 177 to go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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