The one where Harry gets the phone call

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One Year and Six Months later

I was sitting on the sofa reading, waiting for Haz to come home. I had a half day and his talk was two hours away so I was terribly bored. I had Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice sitting open on my lap. I remember the first time Harry gave me that book to read I was so sceptical but now it's my go to book. Although today I just can't seem to concentrate.
I had called Zayn,a close friend of mine and fellow teacher, but he was busy on a date with my other best friend Niall who is a pre-school teacher. So I was aloneeeeee and boreddddd.
But it was ok because Harry texted and he was gonna be home soon and we were going out for dinner.

He was part of the army but he did talks and recruitment and that sort of thing. I knew we were very lucky that he and Liam (Harry's best friend and one of my best friends) hadn't been deployed. And I knew it was only so long until our luck ran out and then I didn't know what would happen.

I was pulled out of my rather depressing line of thought by keys jingling. He was home!!! Finally!! I threw my book to the floor,with love of course because dammm that book, and rushed towards the door. As it swung open I barrelled into the tall curly haired God on the other side. I heard him chuckle as I groaned into his chest.

"Please never leave me alone ever again!"
He put his hands on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. His dimple on full display.
"You were by yourself for two hours Lou how bad could it possibly have been?"
I was about to respond when I noticed his smile fall and his eyes go sad.
"Haz,what's wrong?"
He looked at me a pained expression on his face.

"Love sit down for me yeah? We need to talk"
He gently grabbed my elbow and led me back to the sofa. What was going on? Why does he look so sad? Is this bitch gonna break up with me? Because if he is imma,imma..... cry and eat ice cream. Oh shit my life is over. Ha what life? Ok ok just calm down it's probably not that bad.

He looked at me his eyes filled with tears. Ok this is bad,Harry never cries, this is really bad.
"Lou I got the call"

My stomach dropped and my heart went cold. What,No. This can't- No.
"Haz- who, when, where- I"
No he can't do this, can't leave me
"It's me and Liam and we leave next month for Afghanistan, we'll be gone for six months Lou"
His voice broke and he started crying. I was crying to. How could I live without him?
He grabbed me and pulled me close to his chest as we sobbed.

"Lou, I-I understand if it's too much and-and you want to leave"
I froze. What? He was giving me the chance to leave. Did I want to? Was it to much?
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Pride and Prejudice lying on the floor. For a second I saw our entire relationship flash before my eyes. The day we met. That night when he showed up at my door with a bunch of flowers as promised. The early mornings, the late nights, the I love yous, the fights everything.
No, this relationship is ours and it's sure as hell worth saving.

"Oh you curly haired angel, I'm in for the long run, we both are ok. You're not getting rid of me that easily"
He showed me a small smile through the tears
"We always knew something like this would happen,Haz. But we can do this,ok, together."
He looked at me this time with eyes filled with hope and he but his forehead against mine.

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