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"Ivy? Is that you. Oh my god Kalli! Daisy!" They're in front of me. They're just standing there! I try to run forward, the distance closes a tad until I hit a snag. I'm then dragged back, turning I see this thick chain. The person holding the chain, Alex.

"Delilah, don't go!" Kalli screams! "Don't let him take you from us!"

"Come back! You're nearly here!" Daisy adds.

The harder I try to pull away, the harsher the drag. It's no use!

"Delilah. We'll miss you." Ivy turns away.


I shoot up. I'm dripping in sweat, panting hard.

It's a dream! Thank god it's a dream!

My body is still in shock, and begins to uncontrollably shake. My breath shortens and I'm now gasping for breath, the oxygen can't get into my lungs fast enough!

I need air! I sling my legs over the side of the bed and try my best to walk to the door. After basically crawling I make my way into the hallways and I reach the top of the stairs.

All I can think of is the air I need, the thought of my friends leaving me. Just letting me go is too much. I'll have no one! I don't want to be alone!

I gasp one more time before my head becomes light, and my vision is stolen away. That's it. Darkness.


Another day! Another pussy to slay.


I spring from my bed, and run into my bathroom for a pee. Ah realise! I return to my room and throw on a tee, Alex hates me walking around in just boxers in front of Delilah now, I still do it but because we've all been so happy lately I don't want to ruin the mood.

Exciting the room I see Alex and DJ's bedroom door is at a jar, oh well I guess they're still sleeping so I'll give them a little while longer before I get bored and have to wake them up.

Hmm, I wonder what I'll have for breakfast? Toast, bacon?! Ah I hate cooking bacon and DJ won't cook me meat because she's veggie. Fuck waking Alex up to cook! He's terrible!

"Eggs!" I shout out loud! Turning onto the stairs.

Wait. There's a body at the bottom of the stairs, oh my god Delilah!

I'm stunned and I can't seem to move. Her lifeless body just laying in a weird position at the bottom.

"D-Delilah." I stutter and call. "Delilah!" I shout. "No. Please Delilah!" Im now screaming!

Alex must of heard, he came running out of the room.

"Jack! Shut the fu-" he stops in his tracks when he sees the disaster in front of him.

He sprints to the bottom of the staircase, grabbing her in his arms and shaking her around.

"Delilah! Oh my god Delilah wake up!" He's screaming and crying.

"W-W-What". Oh my god she speaks.

I sink down to the top step, grasping my face in my hands.

"How did I end up here?" She groans. I run down to her.

"Delilah this is no time for 5SOS! I just woke up, you was at the bottom of the stairs and - and you wouldn't answer me when I called you!" I was fighting back my tears but they just flew out. She grabbed onto me, holding me in a hug.

She pulls away suddenly, holding her head.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks cupping her face. Looking over her head, me and Alex are a lot taller that her so we have a clear view. "Oh my god, DJ you fell down the stairs! What happen! How can you not remember?" He takes her in bridal carry.

"Alex, stop worrying. Just - just leave me alone. I need time to think." She escapes and runs back up the stairs, I think into the bathroom.

I glance at Alex, and we hush in unison.

"Fuck man. I thought we lost her. I can't picture her not beside you." I finally let out. Alex shakes his head and hugs me.

"I couldn't even think of losing her."


- sorry if the subject of anxiety and panic attacks upsets anyone. im a serious sufferer of inner demons so ive based this of myself, and this is based from true events. -

ive met jack so many times and ive made him a little bit less serious than is actually is. dont get me wrong he is a big doofus but he's not as bad as everyone makes out!

so yeah this is where the plot thickens my chickpeas! shits about to get real!

btw im seeing atl (all time low for the newbe's) on February 11th at the o2 I'm England!

have fun and happy reading!

xoxo luna 🌙

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