Dear Alex.

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Hello people of wattpad!

This is going to be an Alex Gaskarth fan fiction, as if the book cover didn't give it away. Unless you can't see the book cover then... SURPRISE! Alexander William Gaskarth fan fiction coming your way my friend!

I'm super excited about writing this and hope that everyone who reads it thoroughly enjoys! However, if anyone has any questions, suggests or constructive criticism please don't hesitate to leave it in the comments! I would love to hear from the readers and get you guys involved!

Their will be cameos from other bands and band members, this I know for sure. There could also possible be different twists and turns with other band members, although it will be predominately about Alex and Delilah (the leads of this piece). If you want to see one of your favourite bands or band members make an appearance then let me know! Will do my best to not only write kick arse story but keep the readers happy!

To be honest I know where I want the story to end, I'm not sure on the journey there... So buckle up and take a ride because we are going on a adventure with Delilah Joy. (ps: I have a Delilah in another fan fiction, they're not the same and I just had a chapter written for this saved and decided to elaborate! I was/ am being lazy and cannot be bothered to change the name! And Delilah is a pretty name anyway!)

Also as it is fan fiction I can make a good bet that 99.9% of the things that are going to happen are not accurate to real life events. (ps: if some facts and stuff that I mention about the characters aren't true don't try to kill me. I love All Time Low, [which if you're new here and don't know who Alex Gaskarth is that's his band, him being the lead singer and a guitarist] I like to think I know quite a lot about them but obviously I'm not perfect and won't know absolutely every last detail about them.)

Also, I have met ATL a lot and attended a lot of their shows! Lucky me! So I may in the future tell you about my interactions and experiences with the band and what not! I am a hustler (<the name of the All Time Low fandom) and I love them dearly! They are a big part of my life.

So without further ado here is my Alex Gaskarth fan faction, Dear Alex.

xoxo luna🌙.

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