A Stag's Night to Remember

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Adam decided to have his Stag party in Edinburgh as most his old friends are there. He convinced me to make it into a little family holiday, so we have both taken a week out of work as it's supposed to be one of the hottest weeks. Nina wouldn't let us stay in a hotel "No way are you and Charlie staying by yourself while Adam is out! You 3 will stay here" were her exact words.

I walk into the bedroom as Adam is getting dressed for his night out. I see a few bruises on his back "Are those from paint balling?"

He looks over his shoulder at me "Yeah, I have few bruises Do you want to kiss them better?"

He winks. "Nah, it's a few bruises you can handle a few bruises" I flash him a smile.

He starts putting on his new green suit with a crisp white shirt lightly unbuttoned. "What do you think beautiful?"

I run my hands over his suit jacket "Handsome! You'll be breaking hearts tonight!"

He rolls his eye, "There is only one heart, I'm interested in!"

I smirk "Well, she's one lucky lady"

His lips press against mine "You think so do you"

I bite my lip "Oh, I know she is!" I go to leave the room.

He gentle grip my arm, "I'm the lucky one!" he smirks.

"Mum has told Neil and Tom to make sure your friends don't do anything too harsh" I'm a little worried from the stories he's told me. I have meet Finley, but not the others.

"You have spy's everywhere huh?" he laughs.

"Yeah, so watch your back and thank you for inviting Neil, Tom and Justin. I know they aren't your..."

"Their your friends and family, so I want them there!" he cups my face and brushes his thumb over my cheek.

"Well, still thank you! I hope you have a good night" I smile warmly at him.

"Hey, I love you," he says before kissing my lips again.

"I love you too, but don't wake me when you come in" I laugh.

"OK, right I better go. I'll see you later" he winks at me before he leaves.


I arranged to meet the lads at Juniper at 7 PM "Oi oi, he's here! The condemned man!" Caleb greets me.

I see him sitting at a booth "I wouldn't say condemned! Where's Olly, Finley and Leo?"

"They're running a bit late Fin is supposed to be their lift here, but he got out of work late you know what that lad is like. So, how's the wife and kiddie?" he asks.

"That boy will work himself into the ground one day! Yeah, all good thanks Charlie is nearly 4 months old now. What about you?"

He chuckles "As single as a pringle mate! So, you got a photo on this woman that made my boy commit?"

"I forgot you deleted you social media! Here" I pass him my phone.

"Wow mate, she's as fit as fuck mate...much better than that last bird you were with! We gonna meet here before the wedding?" Caleb asks.

"We're here for a week, so yeah you guys should come over"

"Where is your dad? I thought he'd turn up with you?" he asks.

"He's gone to get my work mate Rob, Ellie's mum's boyfriend and her mates from the hotel"

He laughs, "Invited the in-laws ay? They here to keep an eye on you?"

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