Chapter 2

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Before she knows it she's inside covering her bleeding wound, she peaks outside wondering who the hell could that be" it's a soldier" y/n lets a tired sigh and quickly leans on the wall near her, suddenly a loud metal bang is heard behind her, quickly she turns in fear. She calms down when she sees it's just a little boy, a little boy who seemingly dropped her meal, the boy was young, at least 5 way, to young to be here on his own, probably working with his mother. "y-you" y/n shushes him and quickly crawls towards him.

" who are you how'd you get permission to get in here" He points towards the sleeping guard. " my mommy usually brings you the food, but s-she was busy so she sent me instead"  y/n let's a sigh, a reasonable explanation for him being down here made her calm down a bit " if I may ask-" " you may not" y/n scurries to put the chains on, sliding her calloused foot into the shackles she gazes at the boy.

" you aren't permitted in here, you need the king's permission"

The boy gulps

" get out of here for your own good, I don't wanna see a 7-year-old get eaten like a piece of salted steak" the boy lets out a fearful squeak.

" How did you get out of your chains?" The boy whispered " none of your business" she didn't feel like being the cause of a kid's death or the sound of a mother desperately grieving, she wants him out of here. " I'll go,if you tell" she turns to him, grinning when she comes up with something that can gross the poor boy out" I used my sweat" the boy gags.

" if you couldn't tell it's hot in this part of the castle we don't exactly get cool tropical breezes here" he nods " what time is it," he thinks " I don't know the time yet but the sun is coming down" she curses

" I told you how I got out now leave, for both of us!" He scowls and scurries away

She lays back in her previous position and balls up " guess no food for me right now" her stomach growls, she knew it was best not to worry. The princess had a habit of bringing her meals & sweets even when told not to

After a few minutes pass, she finally hears it " CHARLOTTE!"

Here they come

" pipe down brother she's not deaf nor missing " the princess rolls her eyes

" hi Charlotte~ I brought you sweets the best from the kingdom, my suitors brought them but I turned them down just for you" she breathes in and raises. " thank you." She grabs the sweets looking down at all times, it was a cake, she was hoping for a plate of steak from the 2 princes but she was fine with this, " she smells of another" the prince with glasses says

" my maid." She says, not too quickly, not to seem suspicious or alert them

" your maid smells of animals" she doesn't respond continuously eating her cake, she feels a hand on your head through the bars petting delicately, likely the rowdy one. The hand slides to your cheek rubbing continuously with their thumb he lifts your head giving a lovesick smile as he looks into your cold eyes.

" isn't she beautiful" the one with glasses lifts your hand with the spoon and kisses you up the arm, " she is" the sister just smiles at you, giving you an also lovesick smile brushing her head through your hair

The rowdy one touches your lips and slides his hand to your neck squeezing it lightly hoping to leave a bruise without hurting you, looking in your eyes the whole time

The calmer prince starts leaving marks on your hand a sign that he's been here, the princess pulls your head back and grabs a strand of hair out of your aching head

" and she's all ours till the end of time"

The thought of that made you sick you didn't even want to eat anymore, " you'll be bathing with me goddess " the rowdy one says like a puppy

You mentally groan, the amount of attention he gave you was sickening many females have confessed to him, and bathing with him was the sickest part

He would clean your body for you, rinse it for you wash your hair for you if you needed but though he dreamt of doing it someday he never "touched" you in that way. He'd wouldn't want to taint your body with his presence you were his muse his god having a chance to bathe you was a pleasure

When touching your body he admired every part, he'd dreamed you even seeing worthy to kiss him

You were a god not only to him but to his siblings, the one with glasses admired you like you were everything. He studied for you he learned for you he fought for you, everything he does is for you especially paint

He had paintings littered of you, some you bathing some of you eating

Some of you doing unspeakable things, it was sinful his tutor said but he was a demon after all. Your the only reason he's breathing your his air being in your presence is a holy gift that he grateful for

The sister was a questionable one, she didn't keep photos she just stared, sometimes grabbing pieces of hair but most times she bake, it would be creepy if you didn't know what she makes them out of

You saw a strand of hair, you think nothing of it then a fingernail, then the last straw was blood leaking out of the cake when cut it into pieces, she said it filling but the filling didn't leak like that or smell like the blood you knew better

You were sure after that to never eat from her hands if she made it especially if a maid you were close to disappeared

2 of the siblings leave without a word leaving you with the rowdy one, he opens your gate and leads you out

After a minute of walking you lead to the private bathing area made for him, he strips you his hands tracing on your scars and your curves. He gently placed you in the water before getting undressed himself

He sits next to you and starts scrubbing your arms, kissing your chest first then scrubbing

You'd admit he was extremely gentle and romantic but you were never gonna fall for him no matter how kind especially after those years

He kisses your v-lines then starts scrubbing, you felt nothing being used to his touchy habits

You often wondered how did they turn this way towards you

If you only knew how special you are to them...

What you did for them all those years ago...

If they didn't do that terrible thing years ago, what would it be like now, would you love them again ?....

Obsessed: royal family x reader [ BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now