Chapter 5: Mutt

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"Go on finish your sentence mutt." Why is Eren so mad? And why is he here?

"Sorry alpha." Alpha, the fuck?

"Now leave, all of you mutts. Out!" He yells as everyone from that group leaves, without buying anything if I may add.

"I could've handled that on my own you know." I sigh putting back the item that guy had placed on the counter.

"Could you have? What are you doing messing around with those kids of guys? They're dangerous." He follows me around the store.

"But I was fine, nothing bad was going to happen. Plus why do you care?" It's true I have no idea why this man was suddenly all up on my business, I just wanted to work my shift like any other normal day, but obviously that's not possible anymore.

"Because I care a lot about you Kora." Liar.

"Look Eren, you don't have to stand there and lie about that. I don't know you and you don't know me it'll be better for the both of us if we just go back to not knowing each other. I don't want to ruin your reputation." I finally stop what I'm doing and look him in his eyes, which were full of sadness. Why're you so sad? And why does it hurt?

"I can't do that Kora, I want to be in your life. Please let me." He says sounding so defeated.

"No, sooner or later I wont be here anymore." It's true, I don't want to be here any longer. In this wretched town.

"What do you mean by that?" He steps closer to me.

"Meaning either I leave this town alive once I turn 18, or I die in this town once I turn 18." I'd end up like my dad, maybe he had the right idea leaving this town.

"You're not going anywhere!" He growls again. Why is this man growling? And did his eyes get darker?

"You can't tell me what to do, now can you leave so I can finish up my work?" I shove past him touching his skin and feeling tingles once I do. What was that?

"I know you can feel something between us, I can feel it too. Please Kora!" He grabs my shoulder turning me to look at him again.

"Eren, we are from two different worlds okay I can't do this right now. Leave me alone!" I jerk my shoulder leaving his grasp, suddenly feeling cold when I do. I go to the counter and watch as Eren just watches me with sad darkened eyes and leaves the store. "Fuck." I whisper, why do I feel so guilty? I don't even know him, nothing will happen between us we are just too different. We wouldn't be happy.


A few hours pass by and Sarah comes back and tells me I can leave which I do so. Work isn't hard thankfully after the ruckus from earlier the rest of the day went by smoothly. By the time I leave the store it's now 7 pm, working a 10-7 is always fun for me since it's less time spent at home and less time with Liz and my mom. I start my walk back to the house although it's still early the sun went down pretty fast leaving me to walk in the darkness with only light posts giving me any viewing. As I'm walking I hear something in the woods next to me.

"The fuck?" I say glancing over the see bushes moving, I start to panic. This is not the way I wanna go, if I die I want it to be by my own hands. So I start speed walking, and whatever was in the bushes follows me and I pick up my pace. "Damn I'm out of shape." I say breathless from my running, I had only ran about 3 blocks before coming to a stop. I think it's gone. I glance one more time to see a pair of eyes glowing a bright red in the darkness, "Hell no." I start running again until I reach my house and go inside catching my breath.

"What's wrong with you?" My mom stand over me as I'm hunched over. "You look like a dying pig."

"Thanks." I breathlessly say.

"I'm having people over today so stay in your room, I don't want anyone to see how disgusting you are." She laughs while walking away. "Oh and if you come out, you will be severely punished." Is the last thing she says before disappearing off into the kitchen.

I swiftly go upstairs and close my room, my mother is so ashamed of me and I have no idea why. "Dad, I wish you were here." Tears start to form in my eyes, I want to escape this hell so bad. No one loves me and no one ever will, if I were to die no one would care. I'm so damn pathetic. I go to my restroom grabbing the one thing that comforts me. "You'll always be here for me." I chuckle dryly dragging the razor across my skin until pools of blood start forming beneath me. I forgot to eat today I suddenly remember as my vision starts to get hazy. "Damn." Is the last thing I say before dropping to the floor.

"Sweetie you need to wake up okay." Is that my dad?

"Dad you're back." I stare into darkness trying to find him. "Dad I want to go with you! Please take me." I shout crying.

"You can't it's not your time okay, I just need you to get up, come on you can do it!" He shouts back. "I love you and although I have made grave mistakes, I'm still with you okay. You need to live." is the last thing he says before disappearing.

I don't want to wake up, this darkness is comforting I want to stay here forever with you dad. "What?" I look down as my body starts fading, what's going on?

"Kora!" I open my eyes, vision blurry.

"Eren, what're you doing in my room?" What happened?

"We're not in your room, do you know what you did?" My vision finally coming back to me and I see that we're in a white room, downs't seem like a hospital room.

"Where am I?" Look over to see my wrists bandaged up. "What happened?"

"Kora, you almost killed yourself! What were you thinking!" Oh now I remember.

"Why did you save me?" I should've died, I should've been with my dad. This world doesn't need me anymore. "I'm going home." I start to get up ignoring my pounding head.

"You're not going back to that house, you're staying here. I brought your stuff." He says standing up to help me.

"Excuse me?" No the hell I'm not.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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