Chapter 2: Eren

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Eren's pov

"Time to wake up Eren." My mom says as she's poking my face, to which I groan.

"I don't wanna go to school, I'm the alpha I should be with the pack not be with humans." I put a pillow over my head.

"Come on Eren, get up now." She growls and that's enough to get me up, what can I say she scares me.

"Alright I'll go mom." I mutter in defeat to which she smiles in victory and leaves.

I don't understand why school is necessary for someone like me, I'm an alpha of a pack specifically the Dark Woods Pack, we are one of the most fierce packs thanks to my dad and I, we invaded countless of weak packs in order to gain strength. Was it a not so very nice thing to do? Of course, but we had to do it in order to get to the top anyways we've stopped doing that ever since my dad passed away it's been hard, but we've decided to keep the peace between the surrounding packs. So in all this I don't get why school is important, I could be doing better things like having meeting with other packs on keeping rogues at bay, but whatever to make my mom happy.


"Eren, didn't think you would be showing up today." Jake comes walking towards, Jake's the Beta of my pack.

"Wasn't planning on it, but you know my mom." I frown to which Jake laughs until I smell the most amazing scent, it smells like apples and cinnamon. I follow it to the hallways and leads me to the most beautiful girl I've ever set eyes on, she has brown gorgeous hair and the softest brown eyes she seems to be standing at about 5'6. Mate my wolf growls, I need her. I walk toward her and she looks up to look up at me, she's perfect, but something doesn't seem right about her she seems, sad. My poor mate, I will hurt whoever hurt her, I go to say something, but before I can she scurries off.

"Hey Jake, who was that?" I asked Jake who was following me the whole time.

"That's Kora Winters, she's very quiet and seems to get picked on a lot by the student body especially by her sister Liz Winters and Beth Campbell." I growl at the thought of anyone picking on my mate, especially Beth, someone from my pack she's disrespecting her future Luna.


School's over and I didn't see my mate for the rest of the day, it drove me insane so I did what any normal person would I followed her afterschool. She seemed to go to her house so I waited patiently until she came out, but she headed towards to park and well so did I, I watched her go under a tree and sit down my little mate seemed so in thought until I saw tears go down her face so I ran up to her wanting to comfort my mate.

"Hey are you okay?" I question with worry.

She seems to debate on her answer for a bit before finally answering with a, "Yeah."

"What're you doing here?" Wanting to talk to my mate more.

"Just thinking."

"Mind if I join you?" To which she replies by shaking her head so I just sit right next to her wanting to be close to her resisting the urge to hold her and kiss her. "So what are you thinking about?" I question. Her eyes gloom over before replying.

"Life and how I'm going to get through it." My mate chuckles dryly, my poor little mate I wonder what she's going through.

"Why do you let Beth push you around like that?" My anger rising as I mention that bitches name.

"I don't know, I don't think she's worth my breath." She looks down at her hands thinking before saying, "Anyways what are you doing here?"

"Well I was jogging then I saw you and decided to come over here." In other words I stalked you here, what can I say I wanted to know my mate.

"Ooh the school's bad boy decided to sit with the school's nobody?" She let's out a cute gasp making me laugh.

"So I'm the school's bad boy?" I question

"I'm pretty sure you already knew that." She scoffed.

"Sure did." I smirk. After that we kind of just sat there for a few minutes in silence before she decided to rest her head on my shoulder, immediately I felt sparks when she did I felt our mate bond pulling us together, I wanted to get closer to her, but before I could her phone started ringing.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Get your ass back home, now!" My werewolf ears let me hear the other line, it from who I assumed her mom.

"Everything okay?" I ask concerned about what that was about.

"Of course, anyways I have to go. Good seeing you?" She said confused a bit at the end and starts getting up.

"Kora, if you ever need anyone or anything just know I'll always be here for you." I wanted her to feel safe with me.

"Thank you." Is all she mutter before leaving.

I turn to the direction of my pack house wondering if I should follow her to her house, but decided it was better if I didn't in case I got caught. I wonder why my little mate seems so sad, I just want to pick her up and give her all my love so she won't feel pain anymore. I'll help her, I'll help her get better.

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