New Beginnings. (part one.)

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- It is a far,far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far,far better rest I go than I have ever known.

(Josephine's Pov.

I am waiting for hero to come home from work. He is still working as an actress and a Model. He is my Super Sexy hot model. I am not an actress anymore,Surprisingly I quit when I found out that I was having a baby. After me and hero got married. Hero Proposed to me on set of After Ever Happy. And of course I said yes. I still remember the day it was so beautiful the sun wad shining beautifully and the wind was a cool breeze. It was everything I had ever wanted. To be honest I never thought I would fallen in love with him.
It's like a love story almost. Or maybe you can say love at first sight.

I hear my phone ringing from the kitchen and I get my and get it. I am 8 months pregnant with my son. Me and hero haven't picked out a name for him yet. That's why I am waiting for hero to come home so he can help me pick out baby names. For our little dude, sometimes I wake up in the middle if the night with pains from the baby kicking me. Our little bean is mostly active during the night time. And sometimes where he is active during the day. But mostly at night. I break out of my thoughts and answer the phone. I look at the screen first to see who it is and look at that it's the daddy of the hour.
"hello." I answer and then smile when I hear his voice.

"hello beautiful wife of mine." he whispers into the phone. "Hello sexy husband of mine." I say back. *now tell me what my beautiful wife is doing right now?." He says in a soft tone of voice. I love it when he is soft and so tender with me. These days men are assholes. "I am not doing anything, I'm just waiting for you to come home love." I say while I rub my baby bump. "Hmm I can't wait to come home love how is our little." he says cutely. Hero was so excited when I told him I was pregnant.
We told anna and then Katherine and then my family and then the cast and crew.

"he is good. He's very active right now. He's kicking me a lot since we've been on the phone. I guess he really misses his daddy." I tell sweetly. "Love,put your belly to the phone. I wanna talk to our baby sweets." he says extra softly. I pull up my shirt and put the speaker to my belly and give him the okay that I put the phone up to my stomach. "Hey my little Munchkin it's daddy it looks like you're giving mommy a rough time. Daddy misses you so much and I can't wait to go home and kiss mommy's belly. So let's not give mommy a hard time. My little king." he tells our son. Hero is going to make a great dad.
I pull my shirt down and place the phone to my ear. "What a lovely talk you had with our little king hero." "I miss you so much." I say tiredly. With the pregnancy it's very exhausting. "I miss you two my love I am 5 minutes away from the house okay baby so I Gotta go love see you when I get home okay?." he asks me. "Okay love see you when you get home bye love." I say before hanging up.
I put my phone down on the counter and lay on the couch.I ended up watching friends and falling asleep.

[5 minutes later.]

I feel someone laying down on the couch beside me. I feel a hand lifting up my shirt and rubbing my belly and kissing it. I open my eyes a little to see hero moving the shirt back in place and laying back down beside me. He kisses the bridge of my nose and Whispers sweet little nothings into my ear. And I drift off back to sleep.
If I didn't have this man in my life my life wouldn't be one hell of a ride.


I wake up sometime during the night because I feel something wet so I go to the kitchen and turn on the light above the stove and what I see is shocking I see my pants Covered in blood. "Oh My god." I scream.

Author note:

Well hello hello babies how we all doing Surprise I am doing herophine one-shots. I'm just in love with the teaser And I'm watching it back to back I know I'm a weirdo but I love hessa they are so freaking cute. Hero and jo would make adorable parents Do you?. Anyways I'm sorry that I left you wanna cliffhanger please do not kill me for that. Put anyways I hope you like this Little story chapter thing. Until next time love much love. -Ellie.😘.

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