Chapter 22

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We all were sitting in Alex and toby's room putting together corpse helping Toby put his pc together, we allowed Alex to pick a pc, bed set, and a phone for himself because he let Toby have the things that were already here.

Alex's phone already arrived, along with his bedset, his pc comes tomorrow, and we allowed both of them to pick there little decorations for their rooms. "This is going to be so cool" Alex smiled as he flopped onto his freshly made bed, sighing. I smiled sitting next to him as I nodded.

"Oh hey it's almost time for Vanessa to get picked up" corpse said picking up his phone. "Oh Vanessa" Toby said. "Our new younger sister" Alex smiled. "Yes." I said standing up. "You wanna pick her up or me" corpse asked as I shrugged. "I can help Toby finish his pc if you want to go get her" I smiled. "Or we can all go" alex smiled. "Yeah seems like they're won't be a lot of arguing" Toby said. "We aren't arguing....are we" I asked corpse. "I don't think so" he mumbled. "Well let's all just go make it easier" Alex said as he grabbed my hand and Toby grabbed corpse. "Yes let us go" Toby smiled as we were pulled out of the room back to the Jeep, we helped them in as we got in ourself. "I forgot the keys" corpse sighed. "I'll go get them" I smiled hoping out as I rushed into the house finding them on the counter grabbing them and rushing back into the Jeep. "Here you go" I smiled handing corpse the keys.

" do you have to be my mom" Alex asked as I looked back at him and Toby smiling. "I told you, you can call me mom if you want or Haley, whatever you like as long as it's not swear words" I said. "Yeah but're super hot..." Alex smiled as I nodded. "Okay kid, yes I have to be your mom" I sighed as corpse was chuckling as we drove to the school house. "I think Alex likes you" Toby smiled. "Yeah I noticed" I huffed. "Isn't there some paperwork you can sign to make it where I'm just his kid, than you can be my girlfriend" Alex smiled. "Alex honey, no, I'm also married to him, so no, I am your mother figure" I said rubbing my temples. "Toby isn't there porn where the like step sons have sex with their sex moms" Alex whispered to Toby, corpse bursted out laughing. "Oh no" I mumbled.

"How am I suppose to know, I don't watch that type of stuff" Toby whispered back. "We'll do you think it still applies if I'm adopted. Would it be considered wrong" Alex asked. "Mother dearest Alex would like to know-" and Toby stopped talking as I turned back around and saw Alex with his hand over toby's mouth whispering something to him in Spanish. "Hey you know Spanish" I asked as he nodded. "Corpse does to" I smiled. "I know some of it only because we lived together for so long and he taught me some" Toby smiled. "I only know hola" I smiled. "Hmm cute. I can teach you if you'd like" Alex smiled. "Mhm I'll have to think about that, don't want you teaching me anything wrong" I smiled as corpse was still laughing. "Wait till he finds out about milf porn" corpse laughed as I slapped his arm. "Shut up" I mumbled as Alex hummed. "What's a milf" he asked as corpse bursted into tears laughing so hard as we pulled into the school yard.

As Vanessa ran to the car she pulled open the door crawling in. "Who the hell are you" Vanessa said. "Mommy daddy" she added. "Yes baby" I smiled turning around. "There's two boys in the car" Vanessa said. "Yes, this is Alex, and this is Toby, they're your brothers" I smiled. "Where are they sleeping" Vanessa asked as she sat down shutting the door. "Your office" corpse said quickly. "WHAT" she yelled.

"Hello Vanessa my names Toby" Toby smiled putting his hand out. "Why" Vanessa asked seeming upset. "I'm sorry" Toby asked confused. "Why is your name tubbo and why are you being nice. Stop that" Vanessa said hitting his hand. "Sorry" he mumbled. "I'm Alex" Alex smiled. "I don't care" Vanessa sassed. "Oh my god. You have more sass in you than Miss has drugs in her office" he said as I sighed, laughing alittle. "You talk to much" Vanessa said. "What, huh? How, I'm just speaking what comes to my brain falls out of my mouth" Alex laughed. "That's not how it works moron" Vanessa said. "Obviously it is cause it's happening right now, and stop calling me names that's rude. You're a rude little girl, Toby can you believe how rude she is, Haley how you raise a child so rude" Alex said as I shrugged. "I don't know" I mumbled. "You're like a duck you quack too much....I'm gonna call you quackity" Vanessa smiled. "Oh I wanna nick name" Toby smiled. "Quackity" Alex mumbled than shrugging. "I don't know anything about you" Vanessa sighed. "Uhm, I like sleeping in the bathtub" he gleamed as she sighed. "You're too happy, and the bathtub? Did your parents not care about you? I'll call you tubbo" she smiled. "I like tubbo, and I guess they didn't. I've never met them" Toby sighed. "What are you parents like" Vanessa asked Alex as he shrugged. "Spanish I guess" he said as he fixed his jacket.

"How long are you guys gonna stay with us" Vanessa sighed. "I want my office back already" she sighed as corpse chuckled. "Vanessa be nice to your new brothers. They'll be staying with us as long as they wish for" corpse said as I turned around and saw them all starring at me. "Mom" Vanessa smiled. "Yes darling" I smiled. "What's a milf" she asked as I sighed slapping my forehead as corpse started laughing again.

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