Chapter 29

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Once the boys got done changing we finally were getting ready to leave. Tubbo told them we were leaving and we'd be back before nightfall. I smiled as I he came back as Karl threw his arm around me pulling me in for a hug. "Let's go" he said as tommy, me, and tubbo piled into Alex's car because he's the oldest and  Karl and Wilbur took the rental car they got and we drove off where ever they agreed we were going to be hanging out.


We watched as the kids piled into Alex's car and the rental car watching as they drove off. I sighed leaning my head against corpse's shoulder. He sighed as we walked to the couch. "Jesus fucking Christ" corpse mumbled. "I feel like I haven't been alone in years" I mumbled. "Well besides yesterday" I shrugged as he chuckled. "Well we worked yesterday. So it doesn't count" he said as I laid my head on his leg. "You think they'll be okay" I asked as he held my hands. "Yeah, they've got tommy. If anything happens all tommy has to do is talk than they'll leave them alone" he chuckled. "Yeah. But I'm worried about Vanessa" I sighed as he sighed too. "Yeah, she's been acting different these past few days" he mumbled. "You think maybe she is going to run away" I asked as he chuckled. "She hasn't done it yet so no she can't" he said as I turned onto my side as I wrapped my arms around his leg as he had his arm laying lazily over my side.

"I hope everything goes okay" I said as I bite his leg. "Ow fuck. Why'd you bite me" he yelled jumping. "Just felt like it" I shrugged. "Weirdo" he mumbled. "You married me. I'm your weirdo" I smiled looking up at him as he grabbed the couch pillow and shoved it into my face. "Yeah whatever" he said I took the pillow and threw it on the ground. "Maybe we should get the boys pocket knifes" I mumbled. "Haley. They're fine" he said rubbing my shoulder. "No there's something off about today" I mumbled looking up at him  as he shook his head.

"You know we haven't had an argument in a long ass time" I said. "Yeah. I think it's because of the kids" he mumbled. "Well they aren't here. Wanna argue" I shrugged. "Why do you want to argue" he asked confused. "Why not. We havent in while. And frankly I miss the make up sex. So why not just argue" I said letting go of him as I sat up on the couch. "We can have sex. I just don't want to argue with you because your bored. That's ridiculous" he said as I scoffed. "Ridiculous? So my ideas are just fucking ridiculous to you. Seriously. I'm sorry I'm not like you" I said standing up. "Haley. Are you happy. We're fucking arguing over arguing. This is stupid. You aren't ridiculous and you fucking know that." He yelled as we stood up. "I just want to argue with you for alittle bit than be done. We say our sorry's than go to the room and have sex than either go to work. Or get ready for dinner but because they all went out it might just be us for dinner" I said as he scoffed. "Haley please stop. This is stupid" he said getting all frustrated as I shrugged. "The door bell rang as I groaned. "Who the fuck is  that" i asked as he groaned. "Hell if I know. The dogs aren't barking so I assume Vanessa and them." He yelled back as it got hella quiet.

"Corpse" I mumbled. As I slowly walked towards the door. I grabbed my phone and held it tightly as I heard he didn't respond. I slowly moved over to the side of the wall to look down the hall and saw corpse at the door with a gun pointed to his forehead and he  would only nod or shake his head. The person was whispering as I pulled my phone out and took a picture of the persons face. Even though they wore a ski mask. I sighed as I rushed to the stairs going upstairs grabbing corpse bat with nails sticking out of it.


We got to the movies and watched two in a row. I felt my phone buzz as I pulled it out along with Alex and Toby. It was from a family group chat.

Mom: none of you kids come home until me or your father text you okay
Toby: what's wrong
Alex: you guys fucking?
Me: that's disgusting mom
Alex: is she not gonna answer us?
Toby: maybe they're working?
Me: nah I think Alex is right
Toby: ew

I looked up from my phone. "Mother dearest said we can't go home until she texts us. So we have to find something to do in the meantime" he sighed. "TO THE MALL GENTS. AND VANESSA" tommy smiled and yelled. "Oh no" Wilbur laughed. "What's wrong with corpse and Haley" Karl asked. "We think they're fucking" Alex shrugged. "Oh, okay" Karl said raising his brows and looking away as I laughed at his expression. "Well let's go to the mall" I laughed as we all pilled into the cars driving off.


Once Haley came downstairs with the bat she walked the fuck out of the person. We took off the ski mask and took a picture. "Haley go hide I'm gonna call the police" I mumbled. "No fucker I'm not leaving you" she said as I sighed. I called the police telling them what happened. They said they were on their way and we rushed to our safety room. We shut the door and waited patiently.


We never got a text back from my parents. Very weird. "How long can they go for" Karl asked laughing. "With corpse not that long I'd assume" Wilbur said. "Yeah with his condition. Maybe they're at the hospital because of it" Karl mumbled. "Another episode of sex sent me to the ER" Alex laughed. "I wanna go home. I stink. I'm tired. Can we go. It was fun hanging out with you guys" I smiled as they all agreed. "We gotta get ready to leave tomorrow anyways. So we gotta get ready to leave" Wilbur agreed. "Okay well we will go home. We will see you guys before you guys leave right" Alex smiled. "Of course" Karl smiled. "Bye tubbo"tommy said. "Bye tommyinnit" Toby smiled as we all parted our ways.

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