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 "You, sir, are a dreadful dancer," Avira stomped on her partner's foot, giving him a slight smirk. She then gracefully moved her body, making her dress twirl along the floor.

"Well, Princess," He said gritting his teeth, " you are the one who keeps stepping on my feet!"

"Oh, forgive me, Prince Hiroshi," Avira rolled her eyes, "I thought you hadn't noticed. Took you long enough to say something," She smiled sweetly.

"I just assumed you were an awful dancer as well. " Hiroshi spun her around the room, "I heard the new general, is a woman. I bet she is a far better dancer than you. Where is she?

The princess rolled her eyes, "You asked about her before we danced, are you interested? Well forget it, you won't get to meet her, only in war."

"Watch your expressions, Princess, there are eyes watching us," Hiroshi began to spin her gracefully.

Avira's twin brothers stood at the front of the room. One at the throne, and the other standing beside him as a guard. Her sister was the only one who looked at them with concern. Only she knew how much Avira hated dancing with the man she was supposed to marry.

"At least I can fake a smile, even while dancing with someone as clumsy as you," Avira huffed, widening her smile, glancing towards the throne.

"You think this is clumsy?" The Prince chuckled slightly, "I can show you clumsy, darling." He spun her around, and dipped her dramatically, barely holding onto her.

With that, the other guests joined them on the dance floor, eyes were no longer only on them.

Avira gasped, but managed to extend her arm gracefully, as if this had was all part of the dance. "Careful," she hissed, the ballroom lights blinded her for a second.

"You asked for it, darling," He smirked, pulling her up.

"What are you doing? And stop calling me that," Avira scrunched her nose, he was too close for comfort. Close to the point where she could see the golden specks in his brown eyes.

"You know what they say, keep your friends close," he pulled her in tightly, "and your enemies closer!" He began to laugh.

Avira moved her hands, hoping to loosen his grip, but he didn't let go. Hiroshi began waltzing her to one of the ballroom's terraces. She panicked, momentarily, searching for someone nearby to help her. It was too late.

"You know," she began to say, still struggling "you weren't even on the guest list tonight. How did you get in?"

They swayed beneath the stars, he was behind her now. He wrapped his arms around her, and grabbed her hands.

"I swapped out with someone else, it's a masquerade ball, pretty easy to fake a persona.  Besides how could they refuse your future husband," He chuckled softly.

Avira growled, using her head to head-butt his chin. How annoying, he stumbled but did not fall down. This was going to be a bit harder than she thought. She reached down, preparing to grab her dagger. Best to carry one at all times, in case of some unexpected events. She stopped, surprised.

"Didn't know you had that in you still," The prince rubbed his chin, a scowl formed on his face.

"How did you manage to do this? There was no way you would have enough time, nor the right chance," Avira tried to free her hands, they were tied up with rope.

"Eh, it's all in the wrist. Haha get it, your wrists are all tied up," Hiroshi said, straightening his back. He walked over to her, and picked her up.

The Masked  GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now