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Brontide - A low muffled sound like distant thunder (usually do to seismic activity).

Quartervois - A crossroad or critical decision; a turning point in a person's life.

Retrouvailles - French for rediscovery; the joy of reuniting with someone after a long separation.

Latibule - a hiding place; a safe and comfortable hidden place.

Abience - a tendency to withdraw from an object or situation; the strong urge to avoid someone or something.

Psithurism - the sound of rustling leaves and the wind in the trees.

Induratize - to make unfeeling or stubborn; to harden one's heart.

Astrape - lightning; the Greek goddess representing lightning

Uitwaaien - to go out in the wind; to clear your mind in particularly windy weather.

Skulduggery - dishonest behavior; trickery.

Fyrgebraec - the sharp crackling sound of flames or of fire.

Collywobbles - stomach pain or queasiness; the feeling of butterflies in one's stomach; nervousness.

Ceraunophilia - The fondness, or love of, thunder and lightning.

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