Chapter 2

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"Thanks for dessert, Mom. It was absolutely yummy." I smiled, quickly leaning over to place a kiss on her cheek just as she leaned over to meet me half way.

"You're welcome, Hon." She giggled, very happy to be appreciated and to have pleased our taste buds. Mom always prides herself with her food.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed. I have an early morning tomorrow." I said, stretching my arms as a yawn slipped past my lips followed by a few tears that slightly clouded my vision.

"Yeah, you do. Go along, Sweetheart. I'll finish up here," Mom urged with a soft understanding smile. Another yawn involuntarily escaped my lips, telling me that it was definitely time to call it a night. With a slight wave to my mom, I walked in the direction of the kitchen exit." Goodnight, Baby Girl!"

"Goodnight Mom. I love you." I called back behind me.

"Not as much as I do." She said with a light chuckle that had me also releasing one.

By the time I dragged my once more tired limbs into my bedroom, I just wanted to flop onto my bed like a fish out of water and fall asleep but unfortunately I had to do my nightly rituals first. I quickly brushed my teeth, before slipping out of my daily wear and into my fluffy, comfy short pajamas which consisted of silk with a lacy seam, black short shorts with pink hearts with its matching spaghetti strapped, silky pajama top.

I trudged back to my bed and pulled my covers away before slipping in under the cold sheets and pulling the cover and sheet back up to my back. It was summer so it was still fairly hot so the coolness that enveloped my back was appreciated as the bed absorbed my body's warmth into it, making falling asleep a bit difficult. I found myself tossing and turning due to the agonising heat from my now hot bed until I drifted into a train of thought that only filled me with anxiety, guilt, fear and doubt.

I called Claire after dinner to give her an earful about the dating app she had installed without my permission, which ended up being embarrassing because she denied ever installing the dating app in my phone. After a good couple of minutes of us going back and forth, we ended up concluding that I must have installed it myself sometime by mistake. Maybe I was on Google or something, but I ended up installing the app when I was unaware. Claire took that as her opportunity because she used every trick in the book to convince me even more, into signing into the app under my better judgement, I found myself filling in all the necessary simple details that were required for the matching process, now I just hope I don't regret it.

I don't know after how long, but my long train of thought disappeared as my mind went numb from exhaustion and allowed my body the sweet, relaxing and peaceful sleep that it so desired.


Unknown POV

The weight of the tension that has built upon my shoulders in the past two centuries seemed to weigh less heavily than I had grown accustomed to, which is rather odd and unsettling. I of course cannot ignore the uneasiness that has been pestering my being for the past couple of hours either.

Placing my hand on the familiar, large, oak French doors of my bedroom, a very familiar tingling, almost throbbing sensation that threatened to numb my wrist began. My eyes nearly bulged out from their eye sockets at the only possible reason for this.

"No." Slipped out of my lips as I pushed open the doors to be met by my greatest fear.

I lifted my wrist at lightning speed to find the wretched thing teasing me. I instantly turned around with the door handle in hold and quietly closed the room. Before I knew it, I was charging back down the hallway in a fit of a ball of emotions, one of them being the feeling I had grown so used to...rage.

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