Chapter 4

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Elise's POV

Its been three days since I've been here and basically nothing has changed except for my old eating habits and speech. I talk much less than I usually do, but can you blame. I don't know anybody here but Megan and Noah. 

I see Megan everyday, but I haven't seen Noah since when he first talked to me on my first day here and neither have I seen those two kids from my afternoon here. Apparently they are King Theodore's children, my imprisoner whom I am still yet to meet. Every time I ask to be released, Megan just ignores me now. Before, she kept on telling me that 'Theodore' would have her head and that I'm his mate so I should not be asking to leave and such, but now she bluntly ignores my pleas.

And guess what, every time I talk about leaving this place, my chest hurts so I have stopped because its not like anyone is willing to help me here anyway. Don't get me wrong, I still want to go back home, but something about this place makes the mere thought of leaving excruciatingly painful and not only emotionally, but physically too, I guess this permanent, dull ache in my chest is an example.

I slowly rubbed my chest as I swallowed gulps of my cool water that is placed here everyday before putting it back on the nightstand next to the untouched sandwich prepared for me. Its the only thing I consume anyway. For the past three days, I've only been nibbling on the food they give me, almost always sending it back uneaten on most occasions. Its not that the food is not delicious though, I just can't stomach it. My appetite is almost nonexistent. 

The only thing I take is apple juice, like the one I got on my first day here, water or some fruits, rarely solid food though. 

I let out a sigh as I once again closed my eyes that have grown to be permanently swollen all my crying nowadays. A single tear slid down my cheek followed by another then another until it grew into a steady stream as sleep welcomed me back into its grasp with my hand clutching onto my chest to try and sooth the ache that tormentedme. I guess this is my new life now. Crying myself to sleep is just a norm in my new, dull reality of a life.


"Her heat is rising, undoubtedly due to the mate bond. The Alpha must do something or else the Luna's life will be in jeopardy and I'm afraid this is only the beginning. I doubt the Luna will survive the upcoming stages if the Alpha does not act soon." Sighed a soft, female voice in my foggy mind.

A moan involuntarily left me lips as I turned on the bed to try and find a cooler spot. My body felt like it was on fire and the now burning ache in my chest threatened to tear my chest into pieces. My throat felt like sandpaper and my body felt damp with sticky sweat. My permanent headache now felt like a pounding drum in my brain, making a silent cry leave my lips as tears of pain left my eyes. I was in agony. 

'Someone please make it stop.' I profusely begged in my head, my lips seemingly struggling to cooperate with my brain as moans of pain and cries left through them while I profusely twisted and turned on the bed, trying to lessen all of the pain, but it was futile. The pain was there to stay as it threatened to tear me apart.

My body felt damper by the minute, making the bed as wet as I was. The cover I had on me no where to be found on my body and without a second of warning, a pain filled scream left my lips, piercing my own ears and making a ringing sound torment my ears as cries of agony left my lips.

Opening my eyes felt like a mission as the pain left me feeling weak and numb to everything, but it.

But a small pinching sensation in my arm had the pain subsiding to a barely maintained ache as sleep threatened to drown me in relief of the now bearable pain. Only then did I have the strength to finally open my eyes after what felt like hours of unbearable pain, but in actuality only about five to ten minutes.

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