Chapter 17

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Before the chapter the begins
Time Steve will be using they/them prounons. So yah.

Chapter contains: weird writing.
《Chapter 17, Error》

( this event took place a very long time ago)

Sabre Pov

"We did it. The evil is finally gone. everything is back to normal. I guess its time for me to leave" I said to galaxy and Alex. Alex had somewhat of tears in her eyes and so did galaxy.
I really didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to...

"I guess it is sabre."  Alex responded
I turn my head and started heading away.

"C'mon galaxy" I herd Alex say as what she was saying went soft.
I felt arms wrap around my back making me jump. I saw galaxy hugging me. I hugged him back. I could tell he didn't want me to go. I was always there for him and for everyone.

"I'll see you around galaxy steve" I said. I felt bad

I didn't want to leave.

This place finally felt like home.

But I need to move on

He let go off me and turned around and headed back with Alex. I sighed and walked.

I made my way to a lake and stood there breathing in the fresh air for one final time.

I opened up the disconnect button. I started go down the list of everyone, thanking them for everything.

"Rainbow Steve. You the most I thank. You were one of the first Steve I somewhat gotten along with. We had our struggles at first but soon bonded. I will miss you man"

I took a deap breathe and

Stoped my hand right at it.


Why would I stop.

I want this

I need to leave

Everyone is free


Why must this one thing.

This one sign stop me from achieving myself.

Just leave already!

This doesn't make since

Why do I have the feeling I should stay

Everyone is happy

The stevez are safe.

Everyone is safe

I can leave

As long as I have fixed this place I can leave

As long as everyone is happy

I need to make people happy

This is the first place I have felt happy.

The first place..


I sighed. I felt small tears come from my blind fold. I took it off and looked down in the water. My one eye full of radiant green code and the other sun yellow. They didn't match but its okay.

I dropped the blind fold on the ground.

"Goodybye everyone. I'll miss you all"

I than pressed it. I felt pain threw my body as I felt the feeling of leaving threw me. It  was a few moments but it kept going.


Its not suppose to do this.

Whats happening?!

I felt myself shot up

I looked around to see I was in this void of blue code. I look at my hands to see my code in my body.

What is this?

Everything than shook suddenly. Error signs and everything glitching.

I needed to figure whats happening.

I started to hear something. I made my way to see where. I than started to hear a voice. I look and saw an area of black. It was a black box with one entry in it. I stopped at the doorway and moved to the side. I look and saw two figures.

One was wrapped in black glitched wires. It had very short hair with vr set thing that wrapped around their eyes. The skin was  white. I realized their lower half arms weren't connected to their upper half.

What in the world?!

Th other figure was standing there black energy surrounding them. They were glitching. It had messy eyes that were pure white and red.

the glitched one was speaking in a glitched up language I was thankfully abel to understand somewhat of it.

"Let me have ...." i translated of what I could here

"Never! You can't! I know what you will do. It ended! Its finished. " the Tied up figure said their voice was femine but also masculine. They also sounded young. A minor most likely. The glitch thing looked angry. the code than shook again and the person screamed in agony. It shook longer and caused me to fall. The two figures turned their heads and faced me.

The person face had a weird robotic outline of there vr face. The glitches one smiled.

"Perfect. Just what I needed" I translated.

Before I could react i felt pain rush threw my entire body and everything turned black.


Patrick's Pov

Night was panicking and so was I.

She just finished explaining to me what happened with her and rainbow.
I than realized something!

The clue he gave. Kinda reminded me of the the void we used to talk to each other back in the day.

I than realized I should have to tell her about me and his conversation there

"Hey night."

"You finally have an idea" she said

"I have something to tell you"

"What is it?"


Hey guys

Sorry for the delay

I !ave be!n real!y busy lately

!lease forgive !e on that.

Just be!n having writers block

I'!l se! you !eaple'! in the next chapt!r

Have ! Great day


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