Chapter 14...

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Jennifer's POV...

I wake up to Emily's arm lazily draped over me, she must have moved over while she was sleeping. I wriggle out from under it, trying not to disturb her – she stirs a little, but doesn't wake and I smile as I remember the conversation from last night. Maybe this could be a new beginning for us?

Warmth floods the room as the sun rises over the water. I'm feeling good about today, I'm sure we'll get a big break, and with a new friend and a date waiting for me when I get home, everything is seemingly falling into place. 

Except that when I look at Emily I feel as though I'm missing something. I don't know if I ever believed something would happen between us, even last night, I know she was just being friendly.

She's kind, that's all – and apparently extremely forgiving.

I'm going to have to get over it, and hope that someone else can fill the Emily sized hole that seems to have formed in my heart.

"JJ," A sleepy voice asks. When I turn away from the sunrise to look at her she's sat up with her head turned to look out the window, the glow making her look beautiful despite having only just woken up.

"Morning," I say sweetly, she runs a hand through her messy hair and it falls to frame her face perfectly.

Pull yourself together Jennifer.

"It's early; do you want to get breakfast?"

"Now I'm awake," she replies jumping out of bed. She makes her way to the bathroom after picking up her outfit for today – I go to do the same, except I just stay in the bedroom.

As I change, my mind wanders back to last night. I've never opened up to anyone on the team about Ros, but with Emily, it was so easy. It could just be because she's been thrown into the same situation, but I think I could have told her anyway, she makes me feel safe.

I go to the bathroom door to hurry her up but just as I'm about to knock, it swings open. I'm taken by surprise and so is she as we find ourselves inches apart again – and I find myself wanting to kiss her for the second time in 24 hours.

"I need to use the bathroom," I admit sheepishly.

"Are you going to let me out," she laughs, and I immediately step back, joining in with an awkward laugh.

I move into the bathroom and finish getting ready, reminding my reflection to stay in line and to stop acting like a 15-year-old with a crush. Me and Emily are friends now, and there's no need to ruin that by confessing my unrequited attraction.

"Did you fall in?" She asks with a happy laugh – I'm glad I've cheered her up, even if it's just a little bit.

I pull open the door and join her as she's leaving the room. We find the rest of our team ready for action in the café; we eat before making the long journey to the next room to keep working on the case.

"JJ and Morgan, I want you to talk to the rest of the people on this list," Hotch says, Garcia managed to pile together a list of suspects yesterday and they didn't get through them all – It's a long list, like I knew it would be.

We make a start immediately, going door to door, asking for alibis and any information they might not have realised was important. After maybe 10,000 interviews we still have no leads, surely the others must have found something by now.

"So...." Morgan says to break the silence while we walk between houses. "How's sharing a bed with Prentiss?"

"You know, I've been waiting for you to make a comment, can't believe it took you 2 days," I reply, the last thing I want is him ruining the friendship we've only just built – maybe if I avoid it he'll drop it? That doesn't sound much like Derek Morgan though.

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