Getting to work.

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Fugo was getting frustrated with Narancias constant mistakes. He needed to tutor him.

{Fugos perspective}

I wake up. I stretch out my body and begin to get up, I can already hear the clattering around of my teammates downstairs , jesus christ its only 8am. I take off my pajamas and get dresssed into my usual green suit. Was there something important happening today? Something is flying around my brain but I cant seem to recall...Ah! Im supposed to be tutoring Narancia! 

- He runs downstairs

Bucciarati is here, I should say hello. "Goodmorning , Capo." I said in a sort of monotone voice, shit. I hope I didnt sound rude. 

"Ah! Goodmorning to you too,Fugo. Im making pancakes for breakfast, do you want any?" He spoke back to me in a chipper tone, i'm  glad hes happy. 

"Yes, thank you, by any chance, do you know where Narancia is?" I questioned the older male.

"Hm, i'm not 100% sure but my best guess would have to be in Mista's room." He answered me.

"I'll check there! Goodbye for now." I said as I made my way to Mista's room which was conveniently only down the hall.


As Fugo walked down the corridor to Mista's room he got a sense of doubt in his stomach, like he was nervous almost. He shrugged it off and had arrived outside the door.


I knocked on the door.

"Mista, is Narancia there?" I raised my voice to make sure I was audible.

"Uh... Yeah but you're gonna have to wait a minute because me and Narancia are just about to win this match." Mista replied to me in a condescending tone, was he trying  to piss me off?

"Are you playing games?! I'm supposed to be teaching Narancia today, do you understand?" I started to feel frustrated but didn't let my anger control me, I twisted the doorknob and made my way in on my own accord.

The boys stared at me with annoyed looks, game paused.

"Come on Narancia. If we start now we can end by 2pm." It was now almost 9am and I was getting impatient, we were meant to have started the tutoring by now.

"What the fuck Fugo! You're such a buzzkill! Let us finish the game, I dont wanna do your stupid tutoring anyways, I'll never get it and you just get angry."  Narancia spoke with a slight scowl on his face, turning back to the game and resuming it with Mista.

My heart sank, stupid tutoring? He's taking it for granted? I take time out of my day to try and help him and this is what I get!? 

I pulled the plugs out of the tv and the controllers, now I was getting angry.

"Narancia , out, now!" I shouted at the messy haired boy. "Get into the kitchen, please!"

"Fugo you pile of shit!! We were about to win!" He yelled as he stormed out of the room , Mista still in the room devastated after their 3 hour gaming session, all that for nothing.

Oh god this is gonna be a long day.

*Author Note!* Hii! This was only my first chapter of my first ever fanfic, sorry if its slow, im just  getting the hang of it and setting the tone, itll pick up soon. Anyways, if you liked this please tell me if you want me to carry on, also my chapters will probably be quite short but ill try and make a lot of them so you arent left on cliffhangers and stuff. So,,,,, i hope you enjoyed , see you later :D

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