Growing Closer.

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I woke up. My hair was a mess... I really needed a shower. I slowly started to get up but my legs felt heavy...What the hell? I look down and ... NARANCIA? When the fuck did he get here? Agh...He's sleeping so i'll leave him be.

I tried to slide out without waking the boy but he stirred, I didn't wanna wake him up, so i'll stay put for a bit. I grab my book from next to me and read for a while.


Nyahaha! He really thinks i'm asleep! My plan is to stay here for the whole day so we wont have to do any tutoring, even if I "wake up" I can just say i'm sick or something.

Also, was Fugos bed always this comfy? How come my bed isn't? Weird...


Look at the time! God , I need to get up. I need to go to the bathroom so bad and i'm hungry.. not even gonna mention how much I need to shower. I shake the teens shoulder a bit , this should wake him up right?

"Naranciaaaa... Narancia?" I said in a soft tone towards him.


Shoot! I didn't really think too much into this plan.... I'll just say i'm sick.

I open my eyes and give a convincing yawn and a few small stretches.

"Why are you in my bed? When did you get here?" He played with his blond hair as he spoke.

"Ah...Um... Well... I actually feel really unwell. Bucciarati didn't want me in his bed so...I came in here, I hope that's okay! Also I really don't think we can do the tutoring today I ree~~~eally don't feel well." I spoke with a slight sad look in my eyes, god this is gonna be so convincing.

"Well...Yeah It's fine I guess but you're gonna have to eat something, do you want me to get you anything?" He scratched the back of his neck gently and spoke with an awkward smile.

"Y-yes please..." I smile as cute as I can and press my head against his neck shortly.


What is he doing? Also why is it so hot...Ah i'm flaring up! This is embarrassing.

"A..ah.. I'll get you some toast and eggs or something!" I brush him off quickly and stumble out the door and downstairs.


He's gone! Now let's see what this sick fuck really enjoys... nobody can be that innocent. 

I start searching his room, there must be some porn somewhere right? He's gotta be hiding somethi.... A picture of me? Nice... I guess? 

I look around in the same draw. of me? This guy is a fan of me huh? 

"Weird... I wonder why." I mutter under my breath.


I walk back into my room with breakfast.

"I hope I didnt take too long I kinda... holy shIT!"

I place the breakfast down and sprint over to where Narancia was, oh god what did he see?!

"Why are you in my draws?! Aren't you meant to be in bed or something?" I say, panicked by what I just saw.

"Uh ... I could ask the same about you! Why so many pictures of me , huh? Been jerking off to me?! I don't know what you're up to , Fu-chan, but I don't like it." He looked up at me with a serious scowl, but he also seemed flustered and red.

"Fu...chan..? That's new. Also, no, i'm not perverse , what do you take me for ? Jeez." I question, my face glazed with a slight red.


Fugo gathered up all of the images and put them back in his draw, the two then ate breakfast together and spoke to eachother about whatever came to mind.

"So...Narancia... How do you feel?" Fugo spoke as he bit down on a piece of toast.


Well shit. I guess i'll tell him, it's only a matter of time before he tells Bucciarati.

"Fugo, i'm not actually sick... I just really didn't wanna do tutoring today. I feel dumb and you get angry so easily... It kinda hurts. Also, I wanna get to know you even better, I know we're great friends and all but , you seem very interesting still." I stared down at my plate, ready for him to raise his voice because I lied.

{Fugo} ... better? Haha... 

"Uh.. You shouldn't have lied Narancia, you should've told me about how you actually felt. But it's fine, we can take the day off." I spoke to him, tucking his hair behind his ear.

I feel so bad... I made him feel dumb! I'm such a bad teacher, maybe even a worse friend?

"Fugo you're a great friend! I really appreciate you!" He spoke with a jolt of excitement.

Did he just... read my mind or something? 


After they finished their breakfast they went and spoke to Mista. Narancia ended up playing games for hours while Fugo sat in silence and read a book. So much for getting to know eachother better I guess. 

It soon became nightfall and Narancia was getting sleepy, Fugo was too. They said their goodnights to Mista and headed back to Fugo's room. 


"Fugo, not to make you uncomfortable or anything but, could I...sleep...with you again..? Your bed is so much more comfy than mine and... I slept so well last night. If you don't want to it's fine, I can sleep on the bottom instead of next to you if necessary!" I say in an impatient tone. If I get to stay in his room it means I can creep around more, nyeheh...


Who does this kid think he is? Agh... a dusted red appears across my face , i'm blushing again. I shake it off and answer the boys query.

"Sure! Also you dont have to sleep on the bottom, we can sleep next to eachother!" I say eagerly.

Maybe a bit too eagerly, I just seem creepy now. Goddamn it.


"Yes! Thank you so much Fugo!" I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him tight. What am I doing? Also why is he so warm and sweaty... God...

I dress into my sleepwear in the bathroom and lay down on his bed, letting myself sink into the mattress. God it was so soft, I love it here. I was soon joined by Fugo who had a slight sweat, was he nervous about sleeping with me or something? I'm not gonna eat him, jeez. 


Unfortunately, Narancias plan didn't quite unfold the way he wanted it to, as he soon fell asleep on the soft and warm mattress in a fetal position. Fugo was the second to fall asleep, he wrapped his arm around Narancia before he fell asleep.


His body is so small compared to mine... his skin is so soft! I love this so much... I wish it would last longer.

Thoughts drifted around my head until I completely dozed off.

*Author Note* Hiiiii! Okay so here's where i hope it kicks off lol, if you're reading this ily thank you so much for bearing with me and continuing the story, I have a daily schedule now so i'll be uploading around 10pm-12am GMT everyday :D bye bye for now!

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