What's happening?

553 19 24


I woke up first, my insomnia never helped. I'd only had 4 hours of sleep but that wasn't new. I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the boy sleeping next to me. His hair was a mess and he was drooling on the pillow, gross. Atleast he's cute...wait... agh it happened again. I don't like him that much.. surely.

"Naranciaaa..." I shook his body to awake him, but he only stirred and slid closer to my body, now right up against me. A warm shiver was sent down my spine and my face felt hot. I wrapped my arms around him and embraced to moment. 

I don't know what was going through my head but... my hand moved downwards to wrap my arm around his waist and..


I woke up, startled, I felt something near my lower area, what the hell...oh my god.

"FUGO!" I jolted up and pushed him away forcefully, "What the fuck?! Were you trying to touch me?" My eyes widened as I looked at him, afraid and confused.

"Narancia no... I was just trying to hug you I swear! I would never touch you like that." He said to me in a concerned tone, maybe I went too far. A person who went through the same thing would never do the same to someone else...right?

Still weary I get up quickly but he tugs on my pjs, 

"Let go!" I shout at him as he grips them tighter.

"Why? I didn't do anything to you! Narancia please sit down." He begs, his eyes wide, he really didn't do it, did he?

I sigh and sit on his bed, ashamed of what I just said.


My eyes stung as I held back tears, he really thinks i'd do something like that? If he was starting to like me before theres no way he likes me now, for fucks sake Fugo, why do you screw stuff up so bad all the time?

"Narancia i'm sorry I just... I wanted to hug you." I say to him, fidgeting with my hands being careful not to make eye contact with him.

He puts his hand on mine.

I'm shocked.

he pulls me in for a kiss...

I let my mind wander again. He'd never do that. But his hand is definitely on mine, I clutch his hand tight, it's warm, I look at him.

"Narancia... this might come across too fast or straightforward but... would you ever date... a guy?" I question while my face goes a pale red.

"Date a guy..? I mean, sure! If I like him enough. Who cares what gender they are as long as they're compatible, right?" He grins as his face is also dusted with a tone of red. He chuckles and asks the worst possible question. 


Shit. What do I tell him now? Without a second thought I wrap my arms around him tightly and pull him closer. I push my head against the side of his neck and cuddle up to him more. 

What am I doing? It feels good... just don't fuck it up even more.


I get butterflies in my stomach. Goddamn... he's so warm. His hair is so fluffy today... so cute. Do I like him? Does he like me...? I lay a kiss on his forehead.

He jumps and I do too.

What did I just do?! Shit! Fuck! No this isn't good he's gonna think i'm weird...surely...!

Our faces burn up as he cracks a smile towards me. I smile too.

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