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It was getting late. Narancia had fallen asleep with Mista playing video games as per usual, and Fugo was awake, laying on his bed.


"Aghhh... What the hell is this? He's so dumb and inconsiderate yet ... No don't think like that Fugo... It's weird." I got up and paced around my room, contemplating everything.

"Why do I feel like this?! What is it about him? It must be him right..? Is it his attitude? His face? His behaviour? Agh! For fucks sake Fugo, you're not homosexual." I clenched my fists as hard as I could, supressing my anger.

There was a knock at my door, agh damn it, who is it now?

I opened the door to find Bucciarati standing there.

"Ah.. Hello Bucciarati, did you need anything?" I spoke to the man standing in my doorway.

"Fugo ... listen." He placed a hand on my shoulder , "it's 2am and I can hear you shouting from my room, you need some rest." He spoke in a warm manner, he was slow to anger when it came to us. He prepared to make way back to his room and gave a warm smile, but I stopped him.

"Bucciarati I need your help, only for a while, I know you're tired so... you don't have to." I stared at the floor as I spoke.


Bucciarati walked into Fugos room and took a seat on his bed, Fugo explained his feelings and the trouble it was causing him , hoping his friend would help him out.


I thought about what to say, I hate to admit it but I was quite stunned. "Fugo... It's okay to feel this way , you know? I used to get it all the time around Abbacchio, I found out later that he felt the same way too, maybe it's the same for you and Narancia?" I tried to speak in a tone that felt reassuring and kind, but I didn't want to give the boy false hope.

"No Bucciarati he hates me... I think. He doesn't like my lessons and he calls me shit all the time, I just wish we could be better friends I guess." The blonde haired boy looked up at me with a small smile.

I yawned and patted the green suited teammate on the back. "Fugo, I believe in you, just take it easy with Narancia and don't be too hard on yourself, I need rest and you do too, you'll feel better in the morning I promise." 

"That's...okay.. Goodnight Bucciarati , thank you." He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a loose hug, I did the same. We enjoyed a quick embrace and then I got up and walked back into my room.


I shut the door and get ready for bed, man I hope he was right about me feeling better in the morning. I don't know how much longer I can take this feeling in my stomach.

I yawn and lay down, pulling a blanket over myself, hugging a pillow. I start to drift slowly off to sleep when my mind suddenly floats to me cuddling Narancia, as if he were the pillow...JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I throw the pillow across the room and pull the blanket over my head, its warmth consuming my body whole. Goodnight , world, see you tomorrow.

*Author Note* Yooo! Happy Valentines day!! Im trying to update this fic every day, hopefully its coming along okay. Im so tired atm so i'm probably gonna sleep. cya for now >:]

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