The next morning Asia wake up at 9. She texts Victor.
VO🥰: Hey beautiful ❤️ Me: Hi 🙂 VO🥰: Would you like to attend an Art Show? Me: That would be great VO🥰: Alright cool.... Meet me at Lik Miami at 10:30 Me: Sounds like a plan ❤️ VO🥰: I will text you when I leave the hotel Me: Okay
Asia gets up and take a shower. She lotions up her body and then gets dressed. Then she does her hair
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It's now 10:05. Her phone begins to ring. It's a text from Victor saying he's on his way to the Art Gallery. Asia leaves her home and drives to the Art Galley. It takes her 15 minutes to get there. She finds a parking space. Asia then walks to the building. She sees Victor and almost immediately starts to smile. He sees her and low key taken back by her beauty.
Victor: You look beautiful Asia: blushes Thanks
He grabs her hand 🥺 and walk into the building.
Victor: So you live here all your life? Asia: No I'm originally from North Carolina Victor: Not trying to be all on your business but why did you move here? Asia: Well I always wanted to move to Florida so when the opportunity presented itself I jump on it.
They began to look at the Art. They discussed the meanings for each piece. After looking around, They walk out the building.
Victor: That was fun Asia: It was. I really enjoyed myself. Victor: Are you hungry? Asia: I'm starving lol Victor: Okay lol .... Well I took an Uber here so my house is just down the road. So your welcome to leave your car at my house Asia: That's perfectly fine with me
They both get in Asia's car and drive to his house. They arrive about 15 minutes later to his house. They get out the car and hop into Victor's car. They go to a restaurant called CHICA Miami.
Asia: What kind of restaurant is this? Victor: It's Latin. Asia: Oh okay.... It's so pretty
Victor mumbles something under his breath. (Not as pretty as you)
Asia: You say something Victor: I said it's beautiful.... Let's go in now
Asia tries to get out the car but Victor stops her. He then proceeds to open her door. She gets out and says thank you. He thens grabs her by the hand and they walk into the restaurant. They get seated. The waiter gives them menus and ask for their drink orders. Victor orders Nothing rhymes with organs and Asia orders Passionfruit Mimosa.
Asia: What's good here? Victor: Well I like the CHICA Burger and the Foraged Mushroom Quesadilla. Asia: They both sound so good
The waiter comes back to the table with their drinks and take their order.
Victor: I will have the crispy shrimp tacos with a side order of fries Asia: I will have the CHICA burger
They waiter takes the menus and leave.
Victor: So what do you like to do for fun? Asia: Well I play video games mostly when I'm not working. But I like to sing and dance. Victor: Oh you sing? Asia: Maybe lol Victor: Let me hear something
Asia sings a little bit of Best Part by H.E.R.
Victor: You have a nice voice Asia: blushes Thanks....What's some things you do? Victor: Well i sing in my free time. I'm working on another EP right now. Basketball basically consumes my life. I try to spend as much time I can with my family. Asia: Ball is life lol Victor: Basically lol
The waiter comes back with their food. They begin to eat and talk small talk. They quickly finish their food.
Victor: It was great to get to know you today Asia: Likewise Victor: Let's get out of here
Victor pays for the food and they walk out of the restaurant. They get in the car and go back to Victor's house. They arrive in 10 minutes. They sit in the car for a little. Victor is admiring her beauty. Asia notices and quickly begins to blush a little. Victor grabs her hand.
Victor: Why you keep blushing? Asia: I'm not used to this kind of attention. Victor: You're a beautiful woman and don't let anybody tell you that you ain't. Asia: You're so sweet.... I think I should head back home. Victor: It was a pleasure to share my time with you today.
Asia looks at him and smile. They stare at each other as their face inches closer. Their lips touch and in that moment the world stood still. The kiss ends and reality sets back in.
Victor: I'm sorry Asia: No it's okay. I actually like it.
Victor smiles and kiss her hand. Asia gets out of the car. He watches her get in the car and waves as he drives off.
Victor starts to replay the last moments. And begins to question himself. Did I come off to stronger? I shouldn't have kiss her. Am I moving to fast? But he quickly pushes these thought out his mind. He calls a Uber and goes back to the team hotel.