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Asia sees Bam and he's looking in her direction

Asia- Girl Bam looking this way
River- Really turns around
Nya- I wonder what he looking at

Bam- y'all see them girls over there
Kendrick- Hell yea
Tyler- Damn 🤤

Asia- That man is too fine.... Kendrick and Tyler looking over here too
Nya- turns around and looks Sweet baby Jesus Kendrick is so fucking sexy
River- Tyler could rearrange my insides

They all laugh

Asia- Eww TMI
River- Don't act like you don't want Edrice to do you like that
Nya- Exactly lol
Asia- Mind y'all business lol

Bam- I'm about to go over there. Y'all coming?

They walk to the girls

Bam- Wassup with y'all
Asia- Nothing much
Bam- You from around here?
Asia- Yea I live about 15 minutes around from South Beach
Bam- Cool cool

Tyler- Wassup Ma
River- Hey Tyler
Tyler- You came to see me today?
River- I did... I didn't tell my sister we know each other so don't make it obvious
Tyler- Okay I see Bam is feeling your sister
River- Yea  I see
Tyler- I'm gonna talk to you later

They say their goodbyes

Back to Bam and Asia

Bam- I gotta go back to the locker room so wassup with your number
Asia- Okay...give me your number so I can text

Bam gives her his number and Asia text him. They hug and he leaves.

Asia and River go back to their seats.

Asia- Omg y'all I got Bam number
River- Really
Asia- Girl yes... I'm so excited

Rivers laughs and shakes her head.

The Indiana Pacers comes out the locker room to warm up. Asia spots Victor Oladipo.

Asia- Victor is so fine
River- Sure
Asia- Whatever lol... I'm going to the bathroom. Come with me.

They get up but Asia goes the wrong way.

River- Where you going?
Asia- points I'm going to the bathroom over there
River- laughs Why?
Asia- So Victor can see me duh
River- smh You're a mess lol
Asia- I know now come on lol

They start walking towards the bathroom across the court.

Victor- Yo Myles I'm gonna score 50 tonight
Myles- Yea right lol

Asia and River get closer to Victor.

Asia- We almost near him. If he look at me, I'm gonna melt
River- So dramatic lol

Victor notices Asia and River.

Victor- Damn she bad asf
Myles- Who?

Victor points at Asia.

Myles- well that both are
Victor- I mean yea but Shawty in the shorts fine asf ... I'll be back

Asia looks in Victor direction and they lock eyes. She gives him a cute smile. Victor begins the walk in her direction.

Asia- Omg he's walking this way
River- I see... please play it cool cus you know how you do lol
Asia- Okay hoe lol

Victor finally reaches them.

Victor- Hello ladies
Asia and River- Hi
Victor- looks at Asia I couldn't help but notice your beautiful.
Asia- smiles Thanks

River laughs and shakes her head.

Victor- I would love the pleasure of getting to know you if that's cool with you
Asia- Yea that's cool... let me give you my number

They exchange numbers.

Victor- Well I gotta get back to warm up... I will hit you up after the game
Asia- Okay

Victor leaves.

Asia- I can believe my plan worked
River- I know right... Usually your plans fall apart
Asia- well let's back to our seats

They get back to their seats. The Miami Heat come back out the locker room and start warming up. Bam sees Asia and River and flashes a smile. Asia waves and laughs.

It's almost time for the game to start....

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