Tuesday morning Asia wakes up to a phone call at 9am
Asia- Hello ???- Get your ass up Asia- It's too early for this, River River- Today is the day we meet Bam and Tyler Asia- And Victor let's not forget about his fine ass 🤤 River- rolls eyes playfully Yeah Asia- I get to meet both of my men. I can't wait...... Let me call you back later I need to take a shower.
Asia hangs up the phone and gets out the bed. She then gets in the shower. 30 minutes later she gets out put her towel around her. She walks in her room and then lotions up and then puts on her clothes.
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She heads to the kitchen to eat breakfast and gets ready to record her beginning of her video. (Asia is a popular YouTuber.) Her phone begins to ring. It's her best friend, Nya.
Asia- Hey bestie Nya- Hey boo.... you ready for tonight Asia- Hell yea I can't wait to get my flirt on lol Nya- you so crazy girl... you know i can't wait to got to see my man, Kendrick Asia- Yea girl.... you wanna ride with me and river? Nya- Yea so if Kendrick wanna take me home my car won't have to sit in the parking lot Asia- Ykw lol Nya- Don't act like if Bam or Victor ask you that you would drop everything lol Asia- Girl you know I would and they wouldn't have to ask me twice lmao Nya- Right lol... I'll see you later Asia- Okay be at my house at 5 Nya- okay love you bestie Asia- Love you boo
Asia hangs up and calls River back.
Asia- Let's go to the mall River- Dang no hello how are you Asia- Just get your ass up and get ready I will be at your house in 10 minutes River- K bye
They hang up the phone and Asia drives to River's house.
Asia's car
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At the mall
Asia- We need to find a outfit for tonight
They go to Forever 21 and their outfits. They got their outfits and then went back home to wash up. After they were done, they went to pick up Nya. They then proceeded to the game.
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Nya- Omg we are finally here Asia- I know right... I can't wait to lay my eyes on Bam and Victor River- and Tyler Nya- and Kendrick Asia- Yea them too but anywho let's go find our seats