5 : Big Brother Brahms

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A/N : Oh my god, I was so dumb. If Kayla was Angel's aunt, then Alan would be his little cousin!!! Why'd I type nephew 😔😔. I am so sorry for confusing you 😭

During the drive, Angel thought about leaving Alan and Brahms at home while she went shopping for both Brahms and Alan without getting bothered by them. -because she knew bringing them along would be a very long shopping- so she asked;

"Brahms, can you take care of Alan if I say I'll drop you and Alan at home while I go shopping?"

Brahms face changed to neutral. "Can't you just do it online? I mean, I could take care of him, yes. But how would I know if you're going to come back? I doubt you'll come back home. What if you're going to leave?"

Angel bit her lips and laughed. "Why would I leave? I would never leave my little cousin if I'm going to run away from anything. I would bring him with me, of course." She said, still laughing. Brahms making an annoyed face. He stayed pause for a second. He groaned.

"Argh, sure, okay. But make sure to come back safely." He warned. Angel smiled and nodded. "Okay."

When they've arrived at home, Brahms opened the car door and went outside, opening the back door of the car where Alan sat. He was sleeping. Brahms was awed by the small sleeping face of him. Brahms carefully lifted Alan and set him comfortably in his arms. He took Alan's things using his empty hand and closed the door. Angel was smiling looking at Brahms but he didn't notice that because he's too careful holding Alan.

Brahms turned around when he's already inside the house to look at Angel. Angel smiled.

"I'll come back before lunch." She said, waving her hand. Brahms nodded and closed the door.

Angel stepped on the gas and drive out from the house.

So he do like children. She thought to herself, chuckling.


On the other hand, Brahms finally made it to his old childhood bedroom and carefully put Alan down on the bed. He tucked him and patted Alan's belly tenderly. When he heard Alan was snoring, he smiled and stood up. He organised Alan's stuff to where it suited. When he was finally done, he gave Alan a small peck on his forehead and closed the bedroom door.

After that, he went to the library to get some books to read and went back upstairs to his room. He placed the books onto his bed and that's when he realised he didn't shower yet. So he grabbed his clothes and went to bathroom to take a quick shower.


"What should I buy for him? He's really tall and well built. Should I just buy big sized clothes for him?" Angel whispered to herself.

"Looking for clothes?" A sudden man's voice uttered behind her. Angel jumped at it. She turned around to see a guy standing there throwing her a friendly smile. He looked to be the same age as Brahms and slightly shorter than him but Angel didn't seemed to think about anything. She sighed in relief. "Sorry if I surprised you. What kind of clothes do you want to buy?" He asked.

"Ah, yes. You see, my....boyfriend...is a very tall bloke. He's around 6'3 and he's kind of well built so I don't know what size should I buy for him. Could you help me, please..?" She uttered, blushing when she said the word 'boyfriend'. The worker's face changed. "So he's a boyfriend?" He asked. Angel suddenly felt uneasy. She nodded slightly. "Yes." She unhesitatingly said this time.

She had a weird feeling about him. Why would a worker care about his customer having a boyfriend? They usually just straight up searching for their demands, not asking about personal questions but she just shrugged it off.

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