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Satoru looks in Renka's direction without averting his gaze, despite seeing how Renka didn't die when he was beheaded, Gojo still didn't want to believe his grandmother's words. The only thing he believed in was the black-haired man's words, he wanted to paint the monochrome canvas with bright colors. Besides, he's already spent too much time with Renka, he's earned his trust and appreciation.

Without thinking twice, Satoru grabbed his father's kimono and yelled. "Get away from here, run and don't come back!!" Renka hears Satoru's desperate voice, he must escape for the good of both of them.

Renka ran without looking back, he didn't stop for any reason, he kept running as flowers bloomed with every step he took. Even though he wanted to stay by Satoru's side, he couldn't do it, it would only cause both of them pain.

"What the fuck are you doing, Satoru!" Seimei kicks Satoru in the face, causing the boy to let go of his kimono.

"No matter what you say, I will never let you hurt Enkaku!"

Even when Satoru was the one who said that name, he couldn't help but feel confused. Who is Enkaku? Why did I say that name instead of Renka? Did I forget something very important?

"You can't remember those useless feelings." Yae said as she approached her grandson, then crouched down to get a better look at Satoru's bloodied face.

"The cursed child escaped, but I will bring him back, mother." Seimei said confidently.

"There's no need for that, he'll be back sooner or later. Right now we should focus on Satoru, he can't remember about that man." Yae was going to touch Satoru's cheek, but the boy hit his grandmother's hand.

"Do not touch me." Satoru knew that his grandmother was planning to do something to him, so he got up and ran as fast as his legs would carry him.

"There is no place you can run to, give up, and offer yourself completely to the Gojo clan."

Yae wasn't worried, even if she doesn't chase Satoru, the boy has nowhere to go. He cannot leave the Gojo residence, he is tied to this place and without his grandmother's permission, he cannot set foot outside. Satoru is definitely a bird in a cage, the freedom he wanted was taken from him, like a bird without wings unable to fly free in the sky.


Satoru was now standing in front of the door that led out of Gojo's residence, not knowing that he couldn't set foot out. Finally, he thought, at last I can get my freedom. When the boy was going to open the gate, a hand grabbed his arm, making the boy look back.

There he was, the man with the red umbrella, the person Satoru wanted to see once more. The handsome man who appeared in his dreams all the time, the only one who can paint Satoru's monochrome canvas.

"Don't touch the gate." He pulled Satoru closer to him and embraced his small body.

The long sleeve of the man's kimono covered Satoru's body, the boy felt the soothing warmth coming from the man's embrace. It made him feel safe for some reason, but at the same time sadness washed over him. Tears began to fall from his beautiful blue eyes, one after another, staining the black kimono.

Satoru usually never cries, and when he does, he's always alone. For him, shedding tears is a weakness, which is why he never showed his tearful face to anyone. But this time, he couldn't hold back his tears, Satoru was crying in the man's arms like a baby.

The black-haired man gently touched the back of Satoru's head, stroking his hair, trying to calm the boy down. His touch did the trick, Satoru began to calm down and his tears stopped falling.

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