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After getting far enough away from the Gojo residence, Enkaku stopped, causing Toji to stop as well. He looked back, noting that the sinner wanted to stay.

"Are you thinking of going back?" Toji thought it was absurd, why go back to that horrible place?

It wasn't like Enkaku wanted to go back to that place, but he had to stay by Satoru's side. This time, make sure no one uses him like in the past. However, the red spider lilies were not satisfied with their master's choice, they did not want Enkaku to return. The blessed one already hurt their master more than his heart could bear, that's why the flowers wished to protect him in this life.

"To recover all my cursed energy, I need Satoru to remove the seal, so I must stay by his side and convince him to travel to Tsukuyomi village."

Before Reimeki can wake up, Enkaku must regain his full strength. And not only that, the bearer of the six eyes must have become his ally. The red flowers understood their master intentions, but they know that he still loves the blessed one, so they gave him a warning using Renka's body to speak.

"Once you get the black spider lilies again, you won't be able to touch the blessed one, if you do, he will suffer the consequences. This time, your entire existence can corrupt and kill God's chosen one."

Enkaku was vaguely aware of the dangers that the black flower brought to the blessed one, but it was much worse than he thought. However, right now he doesn't need to worry about hurting Satoru, as the black lilies were left behind, trapped inside the forest. So, with the warning of the red lilies in mind, he left to return.

On the other hand, Renka was confused, not knowing if he should go back to Enkaku or stay with Toji. The flowers wanted their vessel to stay by Toji's side, instead of returning to Satoru. But he didn't want to listen to the flowers, he just wanted to disappear, stop causing trouble for those around him. However, even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't, as Toji grabbed his hand.

Toji was currently carrying Megumi, but since he is such a strong man, he could carry his baby with only one arm. He used the other to prevent Renka from running away, they must stay together and leave Amaterasu.

"Why do you want me to live?" Renka's question made Toji stop short.

"Because you are important to me."

"But I've never met you before, my name is Renka, not Kyrie, so you probably mistook me for someone else." Renka remembers that this man called him by a name that is not his, that means he is not the person he is looking for.

"I would never mistake you for someone else, you were once Kyrie." Toji's eyes filled with sadness as he said those words.

Renka felt an inexplicable feeling of guilt flooding his heart, it was so terrible that he felt like he was drowning inside the sea. He couldn't even breathe properly, it was such a strange feeling.

Was it okay to go with him?

Even when my heart is hurting like this?

Not knowing what to do, Renka stood still, not saying a single word. Making decisions was never something he was good at, so it was hard for him, even when the flowers told him countless times to follow Toji.

"You don't want to come with me?" Toji was a bit disappointed, as he wanted to be together with Renka.

"I... " Renka looks up, meeting Toji's gaze. "Will it really be okay if I go with you?" He was worried, especially since Toji has a son.

Toji noticed the reason why Renka refused to accompany him, so he said the following words to reassure him. "You don't have to worry about our safety, I can protect myself together with my son, and I can protect you too."

Thousand Years War: Cursed FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now