Lantern Festival

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As Satoru finished bathing Enkaku, Himiko's voice was heard from across the room.

"I'll leave a change of clothes in front of the fusuma, for you and Enkaku to wear. Once you're done, please come to the main room."

Satoru didn't plan on taking a bath himself, but it seems the priestess wants the blessed one to be clean as well, so he decided to take a bath. But first, he went for the change of clothes, wondering why a woman would have men's clothes.
Putting that aside, Satoru helped Enkaku into the black kimono that Himiko had brought him, even though the boy didn't want the blessed one's help.

"You should stop treating me like a child, even if my current appearance looks like one, I'm not a little kid." Enkaku was a bit displeased with Satoru's behavior towards him.

"Sorry about that, I can't help it." Satoru said those words as he began to remove his kimono.

Enkaku averted his gaze from the blessed one, avoiding seeing his naked body. "Keep that in mind next time, I'll take my leave first." Hastily, the sinner left the bathroom, not even waiting to hear what Satoru had to say.

Enkaku reached the main room and stood in front of the fusuma, wondering what Himiko wanted to talk about. It must be something important, since she even summoned Satoru. However, Enkaku wouldn't figure out anything just standing outside, so he decided to enter the room. The moment he slides the fusuma open, he sees Himiko sitting on the tatami.

"Let's talk for a while, until Gojo Satoru finishes bathing." Himiko motioned for Enkaku to sit across from her.

He sat quietly, looking directly at Himiko. "What do you want to talk about?"

"My son, is he still alive and well?" Himiko's eyes filled with concern.

"You don't have to worry, your son Renka is currently in the best of hands." Enkaku reassured Himiko, taking her worries away.

"He has a name now, I'm glad." She smiled softly. "There's a festival in town, how about you and Gojo go there together?"

Enkaku lowered his gaze, looking down at the tatami. He hated the places he used to frequent with the blessed one, because there are so many memories that he ended up remembering. There was a time when he and Satoru went to a festival together, so he started to avoid the festivities. But, maybe this time everything could be different, especially now that the black spider lilies are currently separated from his body.

"It all depends on Satoru's decision, if he wants to go, I'll follow." Enkaku raised his head, looking at Himiko's face once more.

"I see, it looks like you can still love him, despite all the bad things that happened between the two of you." Himiko was aware of the past that Enkaku shared with the previous blessed, and that it wasn't just once, however, she is pretty sure that not everything written on the scrolls is true.

"Did you really just want to talk about the festival? Or is there something else?" Enkaku wasn't convinced that Himiko only summoned him here to talk about a simple festival.

"No, I wanted to confirm something with you. Something related to my grandfather, but if you don't feel comfortable talking about him, it's fine if we don't talk about it."

"It's okay, ask whatever you want." Enkaku didn't bother to talk to others about Kageura Tenka, even though he hated him.

"He's your little brother, isn't he?" Himiko went straight to the question, not taking her time.

"Yes, he is my brother, but I don't consider him part of my family anymore, not after what he did many years ago."

"So that means that Tenka never reincarnated?" Himiko inquired.

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