30) the god slayer

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I looked at Michael next to me, passed out from all
my hard work.

Exorcising myself was easy. I had spent centuries weakening his willpower from the inside. His little stint as Jesus really did a number on me. I hadn't seen such determination from him in a long time. But, still, I persevered.

Michael is weak. No wonder dad didn't pick him.

It always gave me such a thrill to see him struggle under my control. When I found out what Azazel had done I didn't even give Michael a chance to fight back before I took over and oh how satisfied I was with the results.

Michael panicked. He delivered my freedom on a silver platter, all I had to do was make sure it went my way instead of his. I knew spells like the one Sada performed were delicate. I knew she would do it right, so I took matters into my own hands and ripped out her heart.

I stood up and dusted the dirt off my naked body with a smirk. Michael couldn't hold me back any more. Still, I'm sure a time would come when I would need to use him once again, my weak little angel.

I scoffed as he began to wake. I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with him. With narrowed eyes I watched him push to a sitting position.

"Goodmorning, sleeping beauty." I said, something I always said to him.

My smirk widened as his head shot in my direction. His mouth gaped like a fish, clearly not expecting to see his mental tormentor standing beside him.

"Great day for a walk, isn't it?" I grinned.

"This can't be happening." He whispered, hiding his face in his hands.

"Disappointed?" I asked knowingly. "You should have known this would happen, Michael. I've always told you that you're weak. I can make you stronger if you stop fighting me."

He didn't respond.

"No? Hmm, well that's too bad. Come find me when you're ready to become the god you were destined to be."

Bullshit. If anyone is going to be a god it will be me.

I turned and left Michael behind, following my ears as they tracked the source of a faint feminine hum. It wasn't to long before I found her, appearing in front of her in all my naked glory.

The basket in her hands dropped and rolled a few feet away. I stared into her darkened eyes with promise. A seductive smile coated her face.

Time to see what this body can do.


I stood in the moonlight, gazing down at the small woman beneath me.

My bloodied hands itched for more, but all the people on this island were gone.

I laughed into the night, gently pushing the woman's body away from my feet. I had fucked and murdered everyone I could get my hands on. My fun had only just begun, but before I could continue there was one thing I need to do.

The moonstone couldn't wait. I couldn't risk it's owner finding it. The power they could possess would be enough to stop me.

Just looking at the moon made me furious. She was the one who made the scythe. The one destined to kill my father. The one wielded only by my brother, the one my father had chosen as his heir. How truely sick it was. My father's destined murderer is his chosen heir.

That cursed goddess.

She was also the one who made the moonstone. As a way to right the wrong of the scythe. Both were said to be the most powerful objects in the world and neither were mine. It was infuriating. At least the
moonstone could be destroyed.

And the scythe, well I had learned accidentally one day that I could in fact touch it. Only if I used my magic strength. And only for a short amount of time before it would slowly begin to suck the life out of me. The God Slayer.

If I could somehow get it from my brother, who safeguarded it like it was his child, then I could use it to get what I deserved. Because if dad wouldn't let me be his heir, then I would force him to.

By any means necessary.


Wow, its been a little while. Honestly, I had no idea where I wanted to take these next few chapters of the book. Then, just out of the blue, this idea popped into my head and I knew I had to write it down.

I really hope you enjoy it and the next chapter (cause I had two ideas yay me).


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