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I looked at Bakugo, trying my hardest to stifle my laughter. Over the internship, Best Jeanist had tried to transform him into a better hero, and give him a makeover, it seems. Behind me, Kiri and Sero were laughing their asses off, pointing at Bakugo's now tamed-down hair.

"What'd you say!?" Bakugo yelled at the three of us after Sero made a comment, and it made his hair poof back up to its original form. "And you!" He marched towards me, as I tensed up a little. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, face inches part. 

"Why'd you lie about not having a soulmate huh?!" he screamed in my face and I slightly winced at his loudness. Did he forget that I have sensitive hearing or..? All the class froze, for they had heard everything.

Whispers spread across the room, making me uncomfortable. "What are you talking about?" I squirmed under his icy cold glare. Man, why is he so scary? "Tch, you and me, lunch break, rooftop" he whispered before letting me go rather harshly. He must've sensed my uncomfyness.

"well then..-" Everyone continued to chat as if nothing happened, and I was grateful for it. Kiri hugged me, making me squeak in surprise. "H-Hey, what's with the surprise hug-?" I asked, blushing a crimson red. "Nothing~ can't I hug my soulmate?" he whispered in my ears, making them twitch a little.

"Alright, t-then." I gave in to the hug, purring in content as I felt his warmth engulf me. "But the ones who changed the most, or at least went through the most, were you four right?" Kaminari asked as he looked at me, then at Iida, Todo and Deku. 

"Oh yeah! The hero killer!" Sero exclaimed. "I'm glad you guys made it out alive, seriously," Kiri said, hugging me tighter. "I was worried.." Momo told, glancing at me. "I heard Y/n saved you all eh?" Sato said. All heads turned to me as I nervously sweated. "That's amazing! As expected from the class hero!" 

HoLd uP- "class hero?" I asked Hagakure. "Well, you're an actual hero, you know, with the license and all, so all of us decided to give you that title, and now that you saved these three, you just proved that you're worthy of it!" She explained cheerfully, arms flailing around. "I see," I replied shortly.

~Time skip~
It was now lunch break and I was walking beside Kiri and Bakugo. Bakugo had told (more like yelled at) Kiri to come with us. They had told the rest of the 'Bakusquad' to eat without them. We walked up to the rooftop and sat there to eat lunch.

"So Uhm... What did you want to talk about?" I asked, feeling the awkwardness in the air. I know it was a stupid question, but hey, let me be. "Why'd you lie about not having a soulmate?" Bakugo asked, oddly calm as he ate his bento.

"Well Uhm, it's a pretty long story..." I muttered. "Go on, we have the whole lunch period." I sighed at his statement. "Alright then.." I started telling my story, how my parents died, then I got adopted, then those parents died, and how I'm scared that everyone I get emotionally attached to will get hurt.

After I finished, I did have tears, but they didn't fall. It was silent for a few minutes before I felt the two hug me, making me tense up. ^A hug? Again-?^ "Sorry.. you had to go through that.."

 Wait a damn minute- did THE Katsuki Bakugo, aka the angriest Pomeranian on Earth just, say sorry and feel bad-? And hugged me-? "Ok impostor, who the fuck are you, and where's my angry Pomeranian?" I asked, pulling away from the hug, and facing Bakugo. 

A tic mark appeared on his forehead and he growled.  "TF DID YOU JUST CALL ME SHORTSTACK!? I'LL KILL YOU!" I got up and ran, screaming in 'terror' (though it was just playful). He started to chase me around the roof.

"AAAA SOMEONE SAVE ME, A BLONDE HEDGEHOG IS TRYING TO MURDER MEEE-" I screamed while biting my lip, trying hard not to giggle. Kiri burst out laughing. 

After some more chasing (with Kiri joining in and acting as my hero) and calling each other weird asf nicknames, we lay on the concrete floor, sighing in content. I felt like a child.. A normal child that had a normal childhood...

~Time skip~
Right now, we were at the field Gamma. All might explained that we're going to conduct a rescue training race. After explaining everything, we got divided into groups. The first group to race was Ojiro, Deku, Iida, Sero, and Ashido. 

I was sitting beside MomoJiro. "Midoriya is at a slight disadvantage," Momo commented. "That's true." Jiro agreed. "Just wait and watch," I told and smirked. The race began and Sero was winning. Suddenly, something zoomed past him. "Yes! Go Deku" I whisper-cheered. 

The others murmured amongst each other, talking about Deku. At the last minute, he slipped on one of the pipes, and Sero ended up winning...  I facepalmed and sighed. Then it was Momo, Kirishima, Uraraka, Kaminari and me. 

^This is gonna be easy, I'll just use my air-^ "Izumi-san." All might called out, stopping my train of thoughts. "Yes, All might?" I turned to him. "You cannot use your air element in this race." .. I- 

"Why, if I may ask?" My eye twitched as I asked the question. "Because then, there's no fun and challenge in the race." I sighed at his excuse. "Ok." I went to my starting point. ^can't use air huh? Well, I think you forgot I have lightning^ I thought to myself as I smirked.

"Ready? Set? Start!" I immediately used my lightning speed to run as fast as I could, using Deku's moves. "... Izumi, wins!" was announced as I crossed the finish line before the others. I heard All Might sigh from behind me, which caused me to chuckle.

~Time skip, second-person pov~
"Hey Midoriya," Mineta whispered to Deku while motioning for him to come closer to where the midget was. "Look at this hole in the wall, it's probably thanks to the ones who came here before us! Next door is, y'know- the girls' locker room!" Mineta exclaimed.  

Everybody paused and stared at Mineta with disgust but curious faces. Kirishima and Iida were the first ones to break out of it. "Stop this, Mineta!" Kiri scolded. 

"Peeping is definitely a criminal act!" Iida yelled, doing his usual hand-chopping motions. "My little Mineta is already a criminal act!" Mineta said as he tried to look through the small hole.

"Yaoyorozu's ample yaoyoro-boobs! Ashido's slender waist! Izumi's curvy body and her slight six-packs! Hagakure's floating underwear! Uraraka's fine Uraraka-body! Asui's unexpected boobies-" his sentence got cut off by Jiro's earphone jack being plunged into his eye. 

"Jiro's earphone jack! With its brutal combination of precision and surprise attack abilities, it's super strong!" Deku shrieked. "Arigato Kyoka-san." Ashido thanked. "How despicable," Momo commented. "I'll close this hole right away." You declared. Using the clay element, you sealed the tiny hole up.

~Another time skip, Gomenasai~
"Well, it's almost time for summer vacation. But of course, it wouldn't make sense for you to rest for the whole month." Mr. Aizawa started. "Don't tell me.."  Kaminari muttered. "During summer vacation, we'll have a training camp in the woods!" Sensei ended.

"I knew it!" "Yes!!" "Yay!" everyone cheered. "Let's test our courage!" "Baths!" "Fireworks." "Open-air baths!" "Curry." "Hot springs!" "Mineta" You spoke, making him look at you. "One more perverted thought, and" you made a slicing throat motion. He gulped and nodded, scared.

"If we're out in nature, we will have to work under different conditions, right?" "No matter what the environment, we must choose wisely... Interesting." "Eating and sleeping with everyone!"

"However," Aizawa said, eyes glowing red as everyone shut up. "Those who do not pass the final exam before that... Will be in summer school, hell," he told. "Everyone, let's do our best!" Kiri yelled. 

"Good luck everyone," you spoke calmly, though you had a smirk on, making the ones around you shiver. "Y/n-chan, what's with the smirk?" Deku asked. "Oh my sweet little Deku, you'll see~" I cooed. He blushed.

Hello, my cuties, I'm so so so sorry for not updating, I have been having writer's block, as well as the stress of exams.

But now, here is another chapter. Have some fluff little ones, because after this chapter, shit's about to go down and you know it~

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