ch-1 MY first day

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I stood in front of the gigantic door, waiting for uncle Aizawa to call my name so I could enter. He first told the class EVERYTHING about the sports festival. "We also have a new student. Come in Izumi." he FINALLY said as I slid the door open. I could practically feel the stares on me, if not see them. I stood in front of them, besides my uncle. 

"Introduce yourself to the class." He whispered. I clicked my tongue but obeyed. "My name is Y/n Izumi. Nice to meet you. I'm not exactly looking forward to socializing, because I've never been to a public school." I said blankly, as most of the class sweat-dropped. I saw a familiar person, and I immediately ran to him. "Shoto!" I said, hugging him tightly. "Y/n?" he said, almost in disbelief. I pulled away from him, smiling. "You remember me!" "Of course. But uh... people are staring," he said and I sighed. "We'll talk later okay?" "Okay." I smiled and went to the front. 

"You can raise your hands if you have a question, and if she picks you, you may speak up." uncle said as almost all 20 hands shot up. I pointed at a round-faced girl. "How do you know Todoroki-san?" "Childhood friends," I replied. I pointed at the broccoli boy as he excitedly got up. "You're the pro hero Luna right!?" He asked excitedly. "Yes, I am," I replied.

I pointed at the girl who had frog-like features. "What's your quirk, kero?" "I call it elemental wolf. I can control 8 elements. I also have heightened senses. I can turn into a wolf, grow claws and howl so loudly, it can make someone's ears bleed." I stated as they looked somewhat amazed. 

I then pointed at the boy who looked like Ingenium. "What are the 8 elements you can control?" He asked. "The four basics, air, water, fire, and earth. The secondary's, frost, lightning, and clay. The last one, shadow." I explained. Many people muttered a wow. 

I then pointed at an off-brand Pikachu-like guy. "Are you single?" His question caught me off-guard. "I-I am," I muttered while looking down. "I then pointed at Pinky. "Do you have a soulmate?" She asked. "N-no." I lied while looking away. 

I then pointed at the girl with a gravity-defying ponytail. "How did you manage to come here? I mean, it's the middle of the term." She said. "Apparently, Aizawa-sensei told me he wanted me in his class and I had no choice but to accept," I replied. "She was recommended by 10+ pros," Uncle said, proudly and I grunted. Most of their jaws dropped. I pointed at the red-head and said, "Last question." 

"Who all recommended you?" He asked. "You're super manly by the way." He added and I chuckled under my breath. "Hmm. Let's see. All might, Eraser head, Present Mic, Hawks, the Wild Wild Pussycats, Best Jeanist, Ingenium, Ryukyu and I think some more." I shrugged. "Wow, you got recommended by the top heroes." He said and gave me a thumbs up. 

"In homeroom today, I will be taking Izumi's quirk assessment test. If you're interested, wear your gym uniform and meet me at the grounds." Uncle said. I didn't apply any makeup on my mark today. Thank god I had wrapped a bandage around that area, so it would look like that there is a wound there. I stripped and changed into my gym uniform once I reached the changing room. 

"Izumi-san, why are you wearing bandages, kero?" Asui, who had told me to call her Tsu, asked. "It's a wound," I replied. I exited and reached the grounds. Most of the boys were there. After everyone was there, he told me to tell my ball throw distance without quirks. "104 meters," I said. "Uh... he asked without quirk Izumi-san," Jiro said. "I'm not telling the one with the usage of quirks, that my raw strength," I replied while looking at her. "Now throw it using your quirk." He said as he tossed me a softball. 

I stepped into the circle and got into a ball-throwing position. I concentrated on most of my power and threw it. It went flying and never came back. "Infinity. I didn't expect any less." Aizawa-sensei said. "Another infinity?!" "I'm so jealous." "Damn." the students whispered amongst each other. 

"Next is grip strength. Here." He said as he handed me the grip machine. I broke the ground a little and used the broken pieces to cover my fist, giving me a boost. I gripped it tight and it beeped. "1069 kg." I read. I could feel the students' amazed gazes. 

In 50 meter dash, I turned into a shadow and reached the finish line in a second. In the standing long jump, I used air to float my way to clear the sandbox. In the remaining tests, I didn't really use my quirk.

~Time skip to the end of the day~
After Shinso's speech, I decided to speak up. "You know, rather than coming here to tell us how 'Not all of us have strong quirks and got transferred to other departments and we'll beat you at the festival.', You should be practicing your quirk, or if you don't have a real strong quirk, as many people say, learn a new way to fight. Maybe martial arts or something. Believe me, it helps. Now, if you could move aside so that I could go home, I would really appreciate it." I said as the students immediately moved aside. And with that, I left with Shoto. 

~Midoriya's pov~
I looked at Luna-san as she left. ^She's so cool and pretty-- no! You need to stay loyal to Kacchan and Kiri! They're your soulmates after all!^ I mentally scolded myself. ^But why does my heart feel a bit weird when I look at her? I thought soulmates were the only ones who made your heart flutter...^ I thought again and started muttering again.

~Kirishima's pov~
Wow, she's super manly, and she's a pro. ^And pretty too-- wait, you need to stay loyal to your soulmates, Bakugo and Midoriya. But why does my heart feel weird when I look at her?^ I thought as I looked at her leave, a small blush covering my face.

~Y/n's pov~
I and Shoto caught up with each other, how he didn't use his left side ever since his mother burned his face, then swore to never use it because it hurt me. He asked me questions like where did I go after mom dad died, I told him the truth. We went separate ways, our houses being in different directions.

~The next day~~Y/n's pov~
Class A had already started practicing their quirks for the sports festival, I had too. I practiced on my weak points, which was merging the elements. There's this cool thing I can do, if I merge water and frost, I can create ice, if I merge air and frost, I can create frosty air, with water and clay, I can create mud, fire and magma create lava. 

~Two weeks later~
Finally, we have our sports festival, can't wait to crush the students.

That's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!


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