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I was heading to my school when I got this feeling that something gonna happen today or maybe I am just overthinking cause of school stress I don't know. by the time I was immersed in my thoughts I didn't realized that I had reached school until my friend Ana shout "hey bitch!! I missed you" I just rolled my eye " we just met dumbo" I scoffed, listening this she just giggled and hugged me" So what, I can't miss my bestie" she said and fake pouted, she is super dramatic " yea now let's go otherwise Mr. Hudelson will give us detention" I said while dragging her to class, when we entered class thank god, we didn't find Mr. Hudelson there " thank god that brain eater is late today" ana whispered I just laughed and sat on my seat which is just next to Ana at middle row. Suddenly Mr. Hudelson entered class and started class which was Hella boring.

Time skip to Lunch 

Me and my friend was found our table which was at corner since we like our privacy with 3 more friends Andy who is Ana's twin and Staley and Leo, we 5 are best friends since we came here, I and Ana approached them and sat when Andy spoke " Hello dumb queens, guess what !!today I sticked fart Bomb on Ms. Haily's chair, it was a sight to see when she tried to sit on that seat and that bomb exploded" he spoke while laughing, Ana's just rolled eyes " I don't even know How I am twin of this annoying ass now " and poked his arm we all started laughing and that's how our lunched ended and we headed to out next class which I had with Staley and Leo. 

Time Skip to School end

I just said Good bye to all my friends and started heading to my home, for which I was so excited as my mom might be cooking my fav dish and today, we are gonna have movie night too, but again bad feeling started developing in me that something is goona happen but I shrugged it of as I might be just overthinking , when I reached near home I found some expensive car near my house " who can come at our home we don't know anyone" I thought And as I entered my Home Shouting "Mom your Princess is back home " I went inside living room and shocked .

Sorry for long boring ch , next ch will surely be interesting as she is gonna meet her brothers finally, thank you for supporting me, and really sorry for updating so late next ch will come by end of this week. Any constructive criticism and suggestions are most welcome.

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