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When I entered my house shouting "Mom your princess is back home" I was the most shocked to say the least! I saw my brothers sitting in my living room and drinking hot chocolate, that made my body freeze. I wasn't sure how to react, so I started moving my head to look for my mother, when my eldest brother Martin spoke "princess we met after a long time don't you want to greet and embrace your brothers " I snap my head towards him and spoke "w-what are you doing here? Where is mom? W-Why are you here?". He stood up from his seat with a blank expression on his face and started walking towards me. Seeing him coming close to me I got nervous and took my steps backward so that there was some distance between us. As soon as he saw me taking backward steps, he stopped walking and chuckled "Why are you moving away from me? I am hurt Princess" he said mockingly and placed his hand in near his heart.

Sorry For Short Ch, and such a long wait, please tell me if you want me to continue this and if u liked this Ch. Lot of things happened with me in this span of time, which caused me me to delay this story. Sorry once again and hope you will like it

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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