3: Here's what we'll do:

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"Dang it Bose!" Bose didn't realize he was thinking out loud until he looked over at the confused faces of Ray, Mika, Miles, and Chapa.

Just then Schwoz wandered in with his set of tools hanging from his waist and sweat all over his face carrying a water bottle in his hand. "Looks like the heater's all set, it should be perfect for the upcoming winter seasssooon!"

Garnering no attention from the crew he continued, "Well I thought you would all be more excited about this considering how MUCH YOU ALL CRIED TO ME ABOUT HOW COLD IT IS?"

Mika realized from the amount of sweat dripping from Schwoz's forehead that his slight frustration was justified, "Look Schwoz, we're sorry. It's just that we're in some kind of trouble with Bose, Chapa, and our identities."

"The darn gorgeous haired idiot thought it was a good idea to share he and Chapa kissed on the local news." Ray went on.

The room could hear a snicker starting from Schwoz and he whispered silently, "Pshhh 'bout time."

"Wait what?" Chapa and Bose said in unison. "We didn't kiss! And we're not dating!"

"Then why- " Schwoz suddenly got cut off by Miles, "Look! Nevermind that! We have a situation and we need to think of something. FAST. They plan on finding out all there is to know surrounding these two," He said gesturing his finger back and forth between Bose and Chapa, "It could be a matter of time before they find out who they, and WE really are."

"Can't we just make a post on Danger Force's website denying that they're dating? Isn't that the most reasonable thing to do?" Mika looked at Chapa who was nodding in agreement and back over to the rest of the room.

"Nah, they'd never believe that bull- they'd think we're trying to cover something if it came from us." Ray rested his hand under his elbow and put his finger to his chin pretending to be in deep thought.

"And we are! What's your point?" Chapa started.

"His point is that that will only make them want to look deeper into the topic. Maybe rile them up further and start new rumors. We don't want that." Schwoz added.

"Well then what do we do?" Bose could see that Schwoz put on his thinking face, he started twirling his fingers in little circles as to gesture gears running through his head. "Aha! I know what will get them of our backs! But I don't think either of you will like it. But we will." Schwoz said looking over at Ray, Mika, and Miles slightly smirking.

Chapa could feel her stomach start turning, she felt uneasy hearing him say that. Schwoz's ideas almost always worked out and if this is what he came up with then they would have to go through with it 100 percent.

Bose didn't understand what Schwoz was on about. What did he mean they wouldn't like it? Is it that bad?

"There's no other way. You'll just have to break-up publicly!" Schwoz started.

"But I don't get it, they're not dating? How would they break up publicly?" Miles questioned.

"Easy. And this is the good part." Schwoz pointing a finger up, started pacing front and down the room, "So here's what we'll do: They have to go on a date. In public. Where there are a lot of people. Watching. Have some kind of argument... Yadda yadda... Person A says they want to break up with person B... Everyone there witnesses it, and BOOM! Next morning's headline is Brainstorm's honey is no more!"

"AHH HAHH HEHEH," Ray started laughing maniacally, "Nice one Schwoz let's do exactly that!"

"AABBSSOOLLLUUUTEELLLYYY  NOT." Chapa made sure to emphasize how much she was not on board with this plan. She stood up from the booth and crossed her arms over her chest together, "Sorry Bose, It's NEVER gonna happen."
"Yea, I really like Chapa, honestly! She's probably my favorite here, but there's no way. NO WAY we can go on a date. Like, EVER." Bose was just as against this plan as Chapa was. Chapa was relieved to hear that he was against it. They were good friends and Chapa really did like Bose; as a friend.

"Well sorry guys, but this plan seems legit to me. And coincidentally I know the perfect place where you both can go on your date." Mika sat on one of their computer chairs, clicked a few articles, and swiped the screen to share onto the room's display. "The annual county fair hosted this upcoming weekend, It's perfect! It's like the ideal place for a date; fun, hip, and most importantly: It will be packed to the brim with people."

With the mention of the fair Bose could see it wasn't all that bad, "Oooo I do like the fair..."

"Yea the fair is fun and all but there's no way I want to pretend I'm dating Bose!"

"Oh please, you won't have to. People around you won't believe Brainstorm would be so reckless to go on a date with someone in public without some kind of disguise now would they? Schwoz d'you think you could come up with something for that?" Ray looked over at him. Schwoz nodded, grabbed his water bottle from earlier and head out the room to get started on it.

"Honestly Chapa... Just go with it... You never know, you might have fun," Miles patted her on the shoulder, "Besides it's the only thing we've got."

Chapa rolled her eyes, she knew from the moment Schwoz started twirling his fingers that whatever he thought up, it would be what they would have to do. At this point there was no more fighting it.

"Fine. But you're all paying..."
"Ok!" Mika said.
"And we get to buy the bracelets that give us unlimited passes for every ride." Bose added.
"Fine by me." Miles replied.
"And the bracelets for the concession stands too!" Chapa went on.
"OKAY You'll get whatever you want, now are you both good with the plan?" Ray finally asked.

"I'm not happy about it, but if it's what we have to do..." Bose looked over at Chapa waiting for her response,
"Yea... I guess... and like Miles said, it might be fun."


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