18. The Lighthouse

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It's a smut


The light of day greeted Yeosang while he was still snuggled tight against San's chest. Their legs had found their way to each other during the night, and they had interwoven to the point of Yeosang not being sure anymore where one of them began and where the other one ended. Both of them were wrapped in a lovely bubble of cosy heat that their bodies had accumulated overnight. Now that Yeosang got aware of it, it even felt too hot for him.

With a slight groan and without taking his arm from San's waist that he must have hugged in his sleep, Yeosang kicked off one corner of their blanket. He was careful not to expose San to the colder room temperature. Since the man was still lost in the land of dreams and his face was relaxed, Yeosang didn't want to bother him.

Yeosang himself remained uncomfortable, however. He couldn't deny the strain a somewhat familiar hardness in his pants. His last sleep cycle had probably ended not too long ago, and his blood had yet to settle down. Yeosang blushed when he gained full awareness of just how tightly his crotch was pressed against San's. Sometime during the night, their bodies must have aligned instinctively with each other. With his face hot, Yeosang attempted to will his interested arousal down before San would wake.

Yeosang's thoughts drifted to social injustice, political ploys, and cruel mass murder to distract himself. While he eyed San's face up and down to appreciate the soft undertones in his usually so sharp and attractive features, the noises of Qam outside gradually started to filter through the window. The village awoke with high spirits and the usual carefree and fun-loving energy that Yeosang had learnt to appreciate so much about this place.

San roused a while after from the swell of voices outside. With the merchants in front of the window bellowing their prices left and right, there wasn't much possibility to sleep. After a first discontent whine, he buried his head in Yeosang's chest.

Cooing, Yeosang brushed his hair from his forehead. It was soft to the touch, if not as silky as Jongho's. The structure was also choppier.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty."

With a giggle, San turned his head to smile cutely at Yeosang. His eyes disappeared into little crescents.

"Me, a sleeping beauty? Oh, birdie, you are too adorable for me to handle." He surged up in a sweet kiss. Yeosang made exaggerated groaning noises when San covered his whole face in tiny kisses. The treatment was devastating in itself, but even then, Yeosang's mind strayed.

What would it be like to wake up in Jongho's arms? Would Jongho hold him tight even once they both awoke? Would he share kisses before he went off to look cool and confident? Jongho had soft sides to him, how much else would he treat a lover if he had one?

Yeosang wondered once more if Jongho had ever had a lover. What were they like? What type of people did Jongho like?

San shifted to pull back from him, and finally, Yeosang's attention snapped back to his boyfriend. With a smile, he pressed another kiss to San's pouty lips. The man had worn a sleeveless top to sleep, and his toned arms left, and right of Yeosang's head didn't fit the general tender image. Nonetheless, Yeosang revelled in the excitement in his stomach that filled him whenever he was near San. It always had him feel nauseous, too, but mostly happy.

"Don't ever think that you aren't beautiful. Always."

With a dreamy sigh, San blinked at him. They kissed again, their touches getting more lingering every time. Yeosang nearly fell asleep from how languid, and patient San's kisses were.

Then, San hesitated. He disconnected their lips to lean his forehead against Yeosang's. Both of them breathed deeply.

"Yeosang... Your weapon. Do you need help unloading it? Not wanting to pressure you, I just want to offer."

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